Follow the steps below to prepare for the live Te Ao Haka TAPA assessments.
Resources for ākonga
Create your login and check your details are correct
New to NCEA?
Ākonga new to NCEA will need to create a new MyNZQA account. Here's some information about creating and activating an account:
Create or active a new MyNZQA account
Log in to your account to check your details
On this page

How to access your external assessments
You can access your external assessment by selecting the Complete your online assessment option on the log in page.
Check your device and prepare for digital assessments
Check your device
Device set up is an important part of getting ready for a digital exam.
Read our information on how to make sure your device meets the specifications for a digital exam.
Digital exams device check (external link)
There are a few things you should know:
- devices must have an attached keyboard
- iPads are not suitable
- only the Chrome web browser can be used.
Digital exam preparation for ākonga
Find out about what to expect on the day of a digital assessment including:
- how to do simple things in Assessment Master, like cutting and pasting and highlighting text
- getting familiar with the look and feel of the platform and how to use it.
Digital exam preparation for students
Sample assessments
There are sample TAPA assessments you can use for practice.
Resources for kaiako
Assessment specifications
Read the Te Ao Haka assessment specifications.
Tūmahi Aromatawai Pātahi (TAPA) - Te Ao Haka
Assessment Master guidance
Assessment Master guidance is available in the providers portal.
After you log in, select the Assessment Master guidance page.
Log in to the providers portal (external link)
You'll find:
- useful tutorial videos which provide an excellent overview of how Assessment Master works
- Administrator and Supervisor guides with step-by-step instructions for each role and links to support videos.
- job aids, summarised guides that help staff navigate Assessment Master
- A step-by-step guide explaining how providers prepare for and deliver digital assessments using Assessment Master.
Information is available in English and te reo Māori.
You may need to ask your school's Principal's Nominee for access to the school provider portal.
Other useful resources
Pūtake eLearning courses
Training is available in English and te reo Māori to help staff operate Assessment Master.
These courses offer simulations, allowing staff to practise key tasks. Access to Pūtake via your ESL (Education Sector Login).
Assessment timetable
Derived grades
If an ākonga misses TAPA 1 (for example, due to being māuiui or attendance at a tangihanga), they can be entered for TAPA 2 instead.
If an ākonga becomes māuiui during a TAPA (after they have already logged on and begun the assessment), they will receive a result for that assessment and will need to apply for a derived grade.
You can read detailed information about derived grades including eligibility, how to apply for a derived grade for a pilot assessment, and due dates here:
Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)
Find out more about Special Assessment Conditions
Need help?
Help with Assessment Master logins
For assistance with Supervisor or Administrator logins for Assessment Master contact us at:
Data entry queries
If you have questions about data entry, please email us:
Our contact centre
For help any time before the day of assessment, please call us on 0800 697 296
For urgent help on the day of assessment call us on 0800 222 230.