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This website is owned and maintained by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority - Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa.

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Viewing documents

This website contains documents and publications published in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF. If you do not have appropriate readers to view these documents, you can access the latest versions free.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

A document in PDF retains the page structure and style of the original document (such as page numbering, footnotes at the bottom of each page, presentation of graphics). For downloading or printing from the website, the PDF version is a better solution.

Download Acrobat Reader on the Adobe website (external link)

Microsoft Word Online

To read Microsoft Word documents without a Microsoft subscription, you can create a free online Office 365 account.

Sign up for online access to Office 365  (external link)

ZIP files

ZIP files enable groups of files to be downloaded rather than downloading files one by one. Some files are in an self-extracting ZIP format, so no other software is needed.

The following are suggested sites offering zip archive compression tools:

Archiver for Mac users (external link)

WinZip for PC users (external link)

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