Give us feedback

Fill in an online form to give us feedback

We would love to get any of your suggestions and know when you are happy with our services.

We would also value your feedback so we can improve our:

  • customer service
  • website
  • processes and resources.

Fill in one of our online forms

Give us a suggestion or compliment

Tell us what you think about our website and portals

Let us know how we can improve our service or processes

Make a complaint

If you want to make a complaint instead:

Go to Make a complaint

General suggestions and compliments

Let us know when you've had a positive experience with us. It will help us to know what to keep doing.

If you have any general suggestions or ideas, please also let us know.

I am a
I want to
Do you want us to contact you about it?
How you want us to contact you

Feedback on our website and portals

If you have any feedback or suggestions about our website and portals, please fill in the form below.

I am a
My feedback is about
Do you want us to contact you about it?
How you want us to contact you

Feedback on our customer service and processes

We would like to know how we can improve our customer service and business processes.

We will pass on your feedback to the relevant team in NZQA.

Please give us specific feedback and leave us some contact details so we can discuss it with you.

I am a
What do you want to give feedback on?
Do you want us to contact you about it?
How you want us to contact you