Evaluation of 2020 digital exams

1 June 2021

An evaluation of the2020 NCEA Online examsshows the programme is making good progress, with strong growth in uptake and students continuing to have a strongly positive experience.

The evaluation included analysis of a post-exam survey, whose results are being used to action areas for the programme, in collaboration with schools and the education sector.

Overall, students continue to be very positive about completing exams online, with 97% of survey respondents reporting a positive experience and 94% saying it was easy to find their way through the digital exam.

NZQA Deputy Chief Executive Assessment (including Digital Assessment Transformation), Andrea Gray, said she was delighted to see the growth in participation, including Māori and Pacific students, and that 86 of the schools were new to NCEA Online.

“We had good participation in the survey with a 24% response rate, which is useful in helping identify areas for improvement and what students liked.”

An analysis comparing students’ results from digital and paper formats found there was no evidence of any difference between the two. Read more about this:

Key statistics and findings include:

  • Overall, students continue to be very positive about completing exams online, with 97% of survey respondents reporting a positive experience and 94% saying it was easy to find their way through the digital exam.
  • 17.7% of students with results from external exams had at least one digital result.
  • There were 22,475 students from 276 schools who participated in at least one digital NCEA Online Exam in 2020.
  • Of these, 86 were new schools (i.e. not having an assessed result in a digital exam in any year 2016-2019).