NZQA celebrates inaugural Top Subject Scholar for Te Ao Haka

16 May 2024

NZQA has acknowledged Awatea Rivers Hall as the first Top Subject Scholar for Te Ao Haka.

Awatea, from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi, sat the Scholarship exam for Te Ao Haka in 2023, which was the first time it had been offered.

She was recognised at the Top Scholar Awards ceremony in Parliament on Wednesday 8 May, receiving her award from NZQA Chair, Hon Tracey Martin. 

In 2023, more than 8,000 students were entered for New Zealand Scholarship, with 2,069 securing scholarships. The Top Scholar ceremony recognises the highest achievers in each NCEA Scholarship subject.

Tracey Martin said:

“This is a significant achievement for our Te Ao Haka Scholar and their kura, and for all those who have worked over many years to gain Te Ao Haka the recognition that it deserves.

“The addition of Te Ao Haka as a Scholarship subject in 2023 recognised both the cultural importance and its academic value, and I am delighted to be recognising Te Ao Haka’s first Top Subject Scholar today.”

Following on from the Top Scholar event, Te Matatini Society Incorporated continued to celebrate Awatea at their National Office, where Awatea was awarded with a further scholarship and offered a Summer internship.

Te Manahautū, Te Matatini, Carl Ross said:

“Kapa Haka positively contributes to the wellbeing of those that participate, as well as our wider Aotearoa whānui.  Research commissioned by Te Matatini has demonstrated the contribution that Kapa Haka makes across all aspects of our society including educational achievement levels; health and wellbeing; revitalisation of Te Reo Māori; and the contribution to our national economy.

This inaugural award recognises excellence in Māori performing arts through Te Ao Haka. By working together in partnership, Te Matatini and NZQA have seen this vision for Māori performance come alive. It is great to see our future is in capable hands.”

NZQA’s Chief Executive, Dr Grant Klinkum, said:

“Te Ao Haka is available at all three levels of NCEA, and can count towards University Entrance requirements if ākonga achieve 14 or more credits at NCEA Level 3.

Te Ao Haka will continue to be offered at New Zealand Scholarship level, with the Top Subject Scholar recognised at the awards ceremony each year.”