Summary of feedback on NZQCF and Rules changes

12 March 2025

NZQA has published a summary of the feedback received during consultation on proposed changes to the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) and associated NZQA Rules.

Public consultation occurred in October and November 2024, with 44 submissions received.

We extend our thanks to everyone who took the time to submit thoughtful and valuable feedback.

Submitters broadly agreed that the proposed changes are appropriate overall, while identifying some specific areas of concern and improvements.

The feedback has informed a final set of proposed changes to the NZQCF and Rules, which will be considered by the NZQA Board and the Minister of Education. Once changes are approved, we will communicate them to the sector along with the processes, timelines and transition arrangements.  We anticipate the updated NZQCF and Rules will come into effect on 1 July.