Top Scholars recognised at Parliament

8 May 2024

Top Scholars from 2023 have been recognised at Parliament this morning, with the Prime Minister, Minister of Education and NZQA Chair presenting the annual Top Scholar Awards. 

“To be recognised as a Top Scholar is an outstanding achievement, reflecting hard work, perseverance and extraordinary ability,” says NZQA Chief Executive, Dr Grant Klinkum.

The Prime Minister, Rt Hon Christopher Luxton, presented former Westlake Boys' High School student Andy Tao with the Prime Minister’s Award for Academic Excellence - the highest academic honour available for senior secondary school students, recognising the top-scoring participant in New Zealand Scholarship.

Andy Tao received Outstanding Scholarships in Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, English, and Statistics. He was also awarded Scholarships in Agriculture and Horticulture, Biology, Calculus, Geography, Health and Physical Education, Media Studies, and Physics.

The Minister of Education, Hon Erica Stanford, presented Premier Awards to 10 students who received Outstanding Scholarships across multiple subjects; while NZQA’s Chair, Hon Tracey Martin, presented certificates to the highest scoring student in each of the 37 NZ Scholarship subjects.

“It was a particular milestone to recognise the inaugural Top Subject Scholar for Te Ao Haka, which was offered at Scholarship level for the first time in 2023,” Dr Klinkum says.

“I acknowledge the work that each Top Scholar has done, and recognise the schools, teachers and families whose support and guidance are invaluable in shaping exceptional minds,” Dr Klinkum says.

“In addition to their academic achievements, our Top Scholars participated in a wide range of musical, sporting and service activities. Each one has set themselves ambitious and inspirational goals, which would benefit themselves and their families, their wider communities, and our country.”

More than 8,000 students entered for New Zealand Scholarship examinations in 2023, with 2,069 students awarded one or more scholarships.

See more information about the Top Scholar Award winners