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NZQA Māori Qualifications Services invites feedback on three proposed reviewed Whānau Ora qualifications, levels 3-5.

An overview of the International Qualification Assessment (IQA) service and how it benefits New Zealand employers.

An overview of the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) for employers.

Find out more about NCEA and the information prospective employees may be showing you.

Learn more about how The Code supports the wellbeing and safety of tertiary learners enrolled with New Zealand education providers.

Learn more about how The Code supports the wellbeing and safety of international learners enrolled with New Zealand education providers.

NZQA Deputy Chief Executive Assessment, Jann Marshall extends her best wishes to all students ahead of NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship exams.

The Minister of Education, Hon Erica Stanford, has appointed David Ferguson as a member of the NZQA Board and reappointed Jeremy Baker.

Wherever you are thinking of studying, here are four steps that can help you decide which tertiary provider is right for you.

Find out more about NCEA, the main set of qualifications for senior secondary school students in New Zealand.

NZQA has begun consulting on a proposed replacement for the Evaluative Quality Assurance Framework used in regulating tertiary education organisations

NZQA has begun consulting on proposed changes to the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) and its Rules.
What's new on the website, and recent media releases.