NZQA is proud to be a Toitū Envirocare certified agency.
We have held the carbonreduce certification since the 2020-2021 reporting year.
This certification is awarded to organisations that measure, manage, reduce and report greenhouse gas emissions in line with Toitū requirements.
Toitū's climate impact programmes are accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ), and meet ISO standard 14064-1.
Earning a Toitū certification involves following robust, internationally recognised practices for managing and tracking emissions.
The carbonreduce programme is part of the work we're doing to meet the Carbon Neutral Government Programme requirements.
In 2024, NZQA achieved recertification with zero non-conformances and a 'high quality' rating for our emissions data.
Since 2020-2021, we've reduced emissions from net 1005.46 tonnes of CO2 to 958.15 tonnes during 2023-2024. That's a reduction of 47.31 tonnes.
Our Toitū member page (external link) - Toitū
Carbonreduce certification 2024 [PDF, 180 KB]
We're aiming for a 42% total emissions reduction in the 2029-2030 reporting year. To help reduce emissions and meet this target, NZQA is looking at how we can tackle some of our largest sources of emissions. These sources include air travel, office electricity consumption, waste to landfill, printing, freight and petrol consumption.
These efforts, along with other planned work to minimise our environmental impact, will help build an even more sustainable future for NZQA.
year NZQA first earns Toitū certification
tonnes of CO2 reduced between 2020-21 and 2023-24
our goal for emission reductions by 2030