New Zealand Scholarship Subject List Review 2021 - A2021/11


  • Principal
  • Principal’s Nominee
  • All teachers.

New Zealand Scholarship Subject List Review 2021

Notice of Consultation from: 10 May to 18 June 2021

NZQA is undertaking the biennial review of the New Zealand Scholarship (Scholarship) Subject List by consulting with the education sector and other interested groups.

Any changes to the Scholarship Subject List will take effect from 2023.

The Review aims to maintain the credibility of Scholarship by ensuring subjects are relevant and meet government expectations, can be administered effectively and efficiently, and that workforce supply assures quality, independent assessment.

NZQA has a priority focus on equity for Māori and Pacific learners. The Scholarship Subject List will progressively reflect changes under the Review of Achievement Standards that give effect to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and the New Zealand Curriculum.

NZQA anticipates proposals to add Scholarship subjects over time, as more subjects are introduced for mātauranga Māori and Pacific languages and culture.

Proposals to include and/or exclude subjects

NZQA welcomes proposals to include any new subjects on the Scholarship Subject List; and/or to exclude any current subjects from the List.

Feedback on possible exclusion of Latin and/or Sculpture

NZQA also invites feedback on possible exclusion of Latin and/or Sculpture from the Scholarship Subject List. NZQA has concerns about declining student entries in recent years, and related concerns about feasibility and ability to assure quality, independent assessment.

Provide feedback (external link)

Please provide feedback by Friday 18 June 2021.

NZQA contact details for queries regarding this Review

Please send your email to the Office of the Deputy Chief Executive Assessment:

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