Achieved Course Endorsement available from 2021 onwards - A2021/5


  • Principal
  • Principal’s Nominee
  • All teachers

Achieved Course Endorsement available from 2021 onwards

This change is an outcome of the NCEA review. NZQA will publish the updated rule on 1 February 2021 in the Assessment (including Examination) Rules for Schools with Consent to Assess 2021.

All school courses that meet existing eligibility criteria will be able to be endorsed at the Achieved level from the start of 2021 onwards. This is in addition to the Merit and Excellence course endorsement awards already recognised by the Ministry of Education.

The purpose of the change is to acknowledge that students who attain 14 or more credits at an Achieved grade or higher, have demonstrated a sound level of skill and understanding in the subject matter of that course. The award will read, for example: English endorsed with Achieved at Level 1.

Eligibility criteria for Course Endorsement (external link)

NCEA Mythbuster 10 on courses and programmes

Naming courses

Each course is identified by a course code and a course name. Course names, such as those published in the school’s curriculum handbooks and on reports to parents, will be included in students’ result notices. Course names should be clear and meaningful, and not include proprietary or sponsorship names.  


Please refer any enquiries relating to this circular to:

School Relationship Manager
School Quality Assurance and Liaison
Telephone: 04 463 3000

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