Derived Grades for Common Assessment Activities for schools and kura piloting draft achievement standards in 2022 - A2022/6


  • Principal - Tumuaki
  • Principal's Nominee
  • All teachers - Kaiako

Opening of the Derived Grade Tool

NZQA will open the derived grade applications tool in the Provider login for schools and kura piloting draft achievement standards from 10 May.

NZQA will only accept applications from schools and kura who are participating in the pilots:

  • between 10 May and 10 October
  • for standards where a derived grade is available.

Specific information on the derived grade process for Common Assessment Activities is available on Te Aka, including the:

  • standards where a derived grade is not available
  • closing dates for derived grade applications to be made to NZQA
  • derived grade application form for pilot schools and kura to use.

Pilot schools and kura are reminded to restrict access to the derived grades in your Provider Login to protect student and ākonga privacy.

NZQA will check and remove any applications received before 18 October from non-pilot schools and kura.

The derived grade tool will open for NCEA external achievement standards on 18 October for all other schools and kura.


Please refer any enquiries relating to this circular to:

School Relationship Manager
School Quality Assurance and Liaison
Telephone: 04 463 3000

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