- Principal - Tumuaki
- Principal's Nominee
- All teachers - Kaiako
About the recent review and changes
Tēnā koutou e tū kaha ana ki te hāpai i te kaupapa o ngā rangi e rere nei.
Mō wai te kaupapa? Mō ā tātou tamariki te kaupapa nui.
This pānui is to update you on the recently reviewed and published Māori Performing Arts (MPA) unit standards.
The Whakaruruhau[1] and NZQA reviewed Māori Performing Arts (MPA) unit standards last year to ensure they are current, fit for purpose and meet the aspirations and needs of whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori.
The Whakaruruhau:
- recognised that the standards need to be more aligned and show progression as ākonga move from one level to the next
- recognise that while there are many ākonga who love to perform, others may prefer to explore the research components of the standards.
You need to be aware of the changes to the following standards:
22756 Perform a Māori performing arts bracket Level 3 (Version 8)
The unit standard has dropped from Level 3 to Level 2. It has maintained the same title and credit value and is currently version 9 of the standard. Caution may be required when entering results.
Unit standard 22756
Level 3 | Version 8 | Credits 10 |
Level 2 | Version 9 | Credits 10 |
When entering results, choose the appropriate Level at which you are going to award the credits (Version 8 or Version 9 of the standard).
Ākonga cannot be awarded both versions.
Version 8 will expire at the end of 2022.
Breakdown of standards
The following is a breakdown of standards from the Māori Performing Arts subfields New Māori Music and Te Ao Haka.
New Māori Music unit standards
Standard 31193 Perform a new Māori music composition Level 1 credit 4 – moved from L3 to L1
(NEW) Standard 32953 Perform new Māori music compositions with expressions L2 credit 6
(NEW) Standard 32954 Perform new Māori music compositions from start to finish L3 credit 10
Te Ao Haka unit standards
Level 1
Standard 22754 Demonstrate knowledge of the origins of Māori performing arts disciplines and events L1 credit 4 – will expire at the end of 2022.
(NEW) Standard 32948 Demonstrate knowledge of the origins of Māori performing arts disciplines L1 credit 4
(NEW) Standard 32950 Demonstrate knowledge of the origins of Māori performing arts events L1 credit 4
Level 2
Standard 22756 Perform a Māori performing arts bracket L2 credit 10
Level 3
(NEW) Perform a Māori performing arts bracket with expression L3 credit 15
(NEW) 32969 Research haka wahine L3 credit 6
(NEW) 32971 Research haka L3 credit 6
(NEW) 32972 Research mōteatea L3 credit 6
(NEW) 32973 Research poi L3 credit 6
(NEW) 32974 Research waiata ā-ringa L3 credit 6
All these standards were separated from the Level 4 performance standards and performance component and registered as NEW standards
Level 4
(NEW) 32956 Perform a complete Māori performing arts bracket L4 credit 20
Standard 13360 Perform mōteatea L4 credit 10
Standard 13364 Perform waiata ā-ringa L4 credit 10 v8
Standard 13368 Perform poi L4 credit 12 v9
Standard 13372 Perform haka L4 credit 12 v9
Standard 13373 Perform haka wahine L4 credit 10 v9
All the Level 4 Performance standards (excluding standard 32956) have maintained their titles and standard numbers.
The research component of the Level 4 Performance standards has been removed (NEW standards were created for these and are in Level 3). These standards have a reduction in credits with only one learning outcome to achieve.
The old version of the standards will expire at the end of 2022.
Note: you have a choice to award ākonga credits based on the version you choose to assess. From 2023, the old versions of the standards will no longer be valid and cannot be assessed against.
Please Check the NZQA website here, to familiarise yourself with the reviewed and new Māori Performing Arts unit standards.
Please refer any enquiries relating to this circular to:
School Relationship Manager
School Quality Assurance and Liaison
Telephone: 04 463 3000