Change to the numeracy requirement for University Entrance - A2023/17


  • Principal
  • Principal's Nominee
  • All teachers

Change to the numeracy requirement for University Entrance

The numeracy requirement for University Entrance (UE) has been amended.

For the 2024 academic year onwards, the numeracy requirement for UE is:

Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above, made up of:

The current Review of UE will inform any future modifications.

2023-2025 University Entrance requirements review

To ensure future pathways remain open, it is important that - wherever possible - ākonga/students continue their mathematical studies beyond this foundational level. They should also note that University Entrance numeracy requirements are a minimum for entry to university level study and some degrees have specific pre-requisites from Level 3 mathematics standards.

The numeracy requirement was amended after consultation with the universities and Universities New Zealand – Te Pōkai Tara, ngā wānanga and Te Pūkenga.


Please refer any enquiries relating to this circular to your School Relationship Manager.

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Telephone: 04 463 3000

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