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Changes to Classical Studies NZ Scholarship Examination in 2024
As part of the regular process of review and improvement, there will be TWO changes to the assessment design for the Classical Studies NZ Scholarship examination in 2024.
Format of the assessment for year: 2024
The examination will have two sections. Candidates will answer TWO questions from section A and ONE question in section B.
1. The number of contexts in section A will be reduced from 8 to 6
- the two least responded to contexts, Aristophanic comedy and Socrates, are not included
- parity between Greek and Roman contexts will remain.
Section A: Candidates must select two contexts from this list:
- Alexander the Great
- Athenian vase painting
- Augustus
- Homer's Iliad
- Roman art and architecture
- Virgil's Aeneid.
For each context, there will be two questions, from which candidates must choose one. Candidates are expected to answer in essay format.
2. Section B (analysis and interpretation of unfamiliar sources of evidence) will provide ONE question on ONE theme, instead of two options as in previous years.
For 2024:
Section B: Candidates will be required to analyse and interpret unfamiliar sources of evidence (extracts and images provided in a separate resource booklet) in relation to the theme:
Interactions between gods and mortals
Candidates must answer the question with reference to either ancient Greece or ancient Rome.
Candidates are expected to answer in paragraph or essay format.
A separate answer booklet will be provided.
Please see 2024 Assessment Specifications:
2024 Scholarship Classical Studies assessment specifications
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