Changes to 2024 New Zealand Scholarship Drama assessment A2024/8


  • Principal
  • Principal’s Nominee
  • All teachers

Changes to 2024 New Zealand Scholarship Drama assessment

The following changes have been made to the 2024 Drama Scholarship assessment (93304).

  • Candidates’ annotated scripts for Parts 1 and 2 are now required to be digitally submitted to NZQA via the Secure Provider login along with their three-part performance video.
  • Submission instructions will be available at the beginning of Term 3.
  • NZQA will no longer accept couriered, physical submissions.
  • Please refer to the 2024 Assessment Specifications under Submission Instructions for further information.

The changes will not affect the content teachers will have prepared or taught.


Please refer any enquiries relating to this circular to your School Relationship Manager.


School Relationship Manager

School Quality Assurance and Liaison

Telephone: 04 463 3000


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