August 2023 Code News for TEOs

In this issue

In this Code News you can:

  • the 2023 self-review and attestation process
  • guidance on complaints and critical incidents data reporting
  • student accommodation monitoring update
  • minor and technical amendments to the Code
  • NZQA website

2023 self-review and attestations

Under the Code, tertiary education providers and school signatories must complete self-reviews and provide annual self-review attestations to NZQA. Self-review is a core component of quality assurance. It encourages education providers to engage in self-reflection about the effectiveness of their learner safety and wellbeing practices.

Attestations for PTEs and Wānanga are due 1 November 2023. 

Attestations for school signatories are due 1 December 2023.

PTEs and wānanga will be asked to provide a URL link to their published self-review reports on their attestation.

Further information and links to the 2023 attestation forms will be shared in September 2023.

Find out more about Self-review and attestation

Guidance on complaints and critical incidents data reporting

The Code requires tertiary providers to record and report complaints and critical incidents to key stakeholders, including learners and NZQA.

Complaints and critical incident data for 2022 needs to be included in your 2023 self-review reports.

We have published guidance to support you with this requirement.

The guidance provides advice on how to include complaints and critical incident data within the Code self-review process. It also gives guidance on how providers could publish self-review reports.

Complaints and critical incidents guidance [PDF, 336 KB]

Student accommodation monitoring

In July 2023 we completed the majority of our student accommodation monitoring and site visits which were done in close partnership with Universities New Zealand, Te  Pūkenga and the PTE subsector.

This exercise has allowed NZQA to gain a better picture of student accommodation across the tertiary sector in Aotearoa New Zealand and deeper insight on how providers operate their accommodation services to keep learners safe and well. NZQA will be sharing a summary of this review and key findings by the end of the year.

We would like to thank UNZ, Te Pūkenga, and all the providers that participated in this review.

Minor and technical amendments to the Code

Three minor amendments have been made to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 to correct typographical and grammatical errors and remove a duplicated subclause. The minor amendments were presented to Parliament by the Minister of Education in May 2023.

The amendments made are:

In Part 6 of the Code

  • replacing the word 'and' at the end of clause 50(1 )(a)(ii) with the word 'or' (correcting a typographical error)

In Part 7 of the Code

  • deleting clause 73(1)(d) as it largely duplicates clause 73(1)(c), which is more clearly phrased
  • correcting the grammar in clause 73(1)(e) from 'designate at least 1 staff member is designated...' to 'ensure at least 1 staff member is designated...'

NZQA website

The NZQA website and Code webpages have transitioned to a new look and layout.

Visit the new Code webpages

Be sure to take a look at the pages and resources. If you are having issues navigating the page or accessing resources, please contact us directly.

Any questions or feedback?

Feel free to contact us via the details below:

0800 697 296 (ask for Code team)