eQuate September 2021

In this issue, new NCEA numeracy and literacy standards, NZQA website changes, what's coming up this quarter and more

Have your say on new NCEA Literacy and Numeracy standards

Expressions of interest are now open for tertiary providers to join the 2022 pilot of new unit standards for the Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau NCEA co-requisite.

This is your chance to give feedback and help further refine the standards, assessments, resources and guidance being piloted this year, before the standards are implemented in 2023.

Expressions of interest are open until 1 October 2021, with more information at: 

https://bit.ly/3Aqre8y (external link)

Mini-pilots are also progressing in schools and kura of the new level 1 achievement standards for English, Science, Religious Studies, Visual Arts, and all three levels of Te Ao Haka.

Following piloting of all new achievement standards in level 1 subjects (from both The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa) next year, the existing level 1 achievement standards will expire.

More information about the changes to NCEA can be found at: 

https://ncea.education.govt.nz/ (external link)

QAD on the web

NZQA website changes

Upcoming changes to NZQA’s website will make it easier to find information about using New Zealand qualifications overseas, and having overseas qualifications recognised for work or further study here.

The existing Studying in NZ section of the website will be replaced with an ‘International’ section, accessible in the website’s main navigation. All information in this section will be rewritten into clear language suitable for learners, their whānau and international audiences.

More information will be sent to providers before the changes are rolled out.

NZQA processes

Analyse data for best results in Assuring Consistency reviews

The rating of sufficiency in Assuring Consistency reviews is based on the quality and coherence of the evidence. If you can provide an analysis of the feedback you have collected, it will be stronger than merely a collection of survey data.

Therefore, before submitting your self-assessment report, it is useful to analyse the data to better support your conclusions about the graduates’ achievement of the graduate profile outcomes.

For example, where you have graduate feedback, ask yourself whether this represents graduates across the years, how many graduates, and any trends to demonstrate that the graduate outcomes are relevant and at the level required.

Also, include whether you have made any changes to your design or delivery of the programme to improve outcomes as a result of self-assessment.

Assuring national consistency of graduate outcomes of New Zealand qualifications (external link) 

Submitting applications for programmes at levels 1-6 for delivery in 2022

Providers seeking new approvals and/or accreditations for programmes of study at levels 1-6, or Type 2 changes to existing level 1-6 programmes ready for Semester One of 2022, please submit the application to NZQA before 1 October 2021.

Please call or email your Approvals and Accreditations contact if you require further information.

Permanent delivery sites – what to apply for

If you are a Category 1 or 2 TEO intending to deliver a programme at levels 1-6 or a Level 7 Diploma, please complete the site approval form:

Permanent Delivery Site Approval Form (external link)

If you are a Category 1 or 2 TEO intending to deliver a degree (levels 7-10) at a new delivery site, please submit a Type 2 change application to NZQA for that degree programme.

The NZQA website has information about approving delivery sites: 

Approval of delivery sites (external link)

If you have any questions about programme applications, please email us:  


Keeping your registration status current

PTEs must deliver at least one approved programme or training scheme within a 12-month period to avoid their registration lapsing.

If you anticipate not providing a programme or training scheme for 12 months or more, you can apply for an extension of time to stop your registration lapsing.

Apply for this extension before the 12 months of non-usage ends by emailing us: 


For more information about PTE registration see:

Guidelines for applying for registration as a private training establishment (external link)

Guidelines for maintaining registration as a private training establishment (external link)


Assuring Consistency workshops

Check the 2021-2022 schedule on the NZQA website for the upcoming Assuring Consistency review dates.

Assuring consistency schedule

When preparing for an Assuring Consistency review, it is important to have information about graduates from all the reporting years. To achieve this, gather this information after each cohort rather than just before the review meeting.

This allows you to collate and analyse the data to provide conclusions about whether your programme is producing graduates with the skills aligned with the graduate profile outcomes.

For any queries or assistance, contact the team at: 


Register for a consistency review workshop (external link)

Coming up this quarter

Send NZQA your Who? By when?
Annual statutory declaration (external link)
Different forms for PTEs and TEIs
TEOs with a financial year-end of 30 June 2021 30 November 2021
(external link)

Annual financial return (external link)

Independent Assurance Practitioner's Review Report or

Auditor's Report

PTEs with a financial year-end of 30 June 2021 30 November 2021
Audit of Student Fee Protection arrangements (external link) PTEs with a financial year-end of 30 June 2021

TEOs not exempt (external link)
30 November 2021
Quarterly student fee protection attestation (external link)
Quarter ending 30 November 2021
TEOs not exempt (external link):
- static trusts
- bank bond trusts

Not required for standard trusts
To trustee by 7 December 2021
To NZQA by 14 December 2021
Fit and Proper Person and Conflict of Interest declarations (external link)

Submit a new or amended declaration:
- before any new governing member starts
- if an existing governing member has a new or changed conflict of interest
- if an existing governing member has a change in their fit and proper person status

See Section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) for the definition of governing member
PTEs only:
- applying for registration
- registered PTEs
As needed

Forwarding information and queries

Forward the above documents and any queries to:


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