Qualification and Micro-credential Listing and Operational Rules 2022

The rules about qualification and micro-credential listing and operational matters

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Qualification and Micro-credential Listing and Operational Rules 2022 [PDF, 4.9 MB]

1. Authority

  1. These Rules are made under section 452 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

2. Commencement

  1. These Rules commence on the 28th day after the date of approval by the Minister under section 452(5) of the Act.

3. Interpretation

  1. In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:

Act means the Education and Training Act 2020

credit recognition and transfer means a formal process whereby credit for outcomes already achieved by a student is recognised as credit for comparable outcomes in another qualification or micro-credential

credit value means the number of credits, with each credit representing ten notional learning hours

level means any of levels 1 to 10 set out in the first column of the NZQCF structure

micro-credential has the same meaning as in section 10(1) of the Act

NCEA means the National Certificate of Educational Achievement

NZQA means the New Zealand Qualifications Authority

NZQCF means the Qualifications and Credentials Framework described in section 436 of the Act

NZQCF logo means the logo that is available from NZQA for approved usage in relation to the NZQCF

NZQCF structure means the structure set out in the Table in the Appendix, consisting of levels for qualifications and micro-credentials, and the qualification types

qualification developer means a university, Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, a wānanga, a registered private training establishment, a government training establishment, a WDC, NZQA, or other body that NZQA recognises as capable of meeting the responsibilities of a qualification developer set out in rule 15.1

qualification type means a type of qualification listed in the second column of the NZQCF structure

quality assurance body means:

  1. NZQA:
  2. Universities New Zealand when it is exercising the powers of NZQA in respect of universities

status means current, expiring, or discontinued status of the qualification, as described in rules 8.1 to 8.5

Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance means applying Te Hono o Te Kahurangi whare ako framework and quality assurance tools for applications to list qualifications, as that framework and those tools are published from time to time by NZQA on its website

Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology means the institute continued by section 314 of the Act, and includes any of its subsidiaries that provide education or training, or both

Universities New Zealand means the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee continued by section 311 of the Act

WDC means a workforce development council as defined in section 10(1) of the Act.

Listing details for qualifications

4. Qualification details listed on the NZQCF for all qualifications

  1. The details for all qualifications to be listed on the NZQCF are:
    1. a title for the qualification that properly reflects the qualification:
    2. a suitable qualification type and level that recognises the achievement of a set of graduate outcomes for a particular purpose through formal certification:
    3. a statement of the purpose of the qualification which clearly states:
      1. for qualifications evaluated using Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance for qualifications, the use of the qualification in Aotearoa, New Zealand, or one or more other countries, and its relevance to ākonga, whānau, hapū, iwi, and where appropriate hapori Māori and other relevant industries or communities:
      2. for all other evaluated qualifications, the use of the qualification in New Zealand, or the use of the qualification in one or more other countries, and its relevance to students, industry, employers, professions, whānau, hapū, iwi, hapori Māori or community groups:
    4. a suitable outcome statement that:
      1. includes a graduate profile which describes the knowledge, skills, and attributes that the graduate will be able to demonstrate upon achieving the qualification:
      2. identifies the education pathways to other qualifications, if any:
      3. identifies, -
        • (A)  for qualifications evaluated using Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance for qualifications, either a cultural pathway, an education pathway or an employment pathway relevant to ākonga, whānau, hapū, iwi, and where appropriate hapori Māori, and other relevant industries or communities:
        • (B)  for all other evaluated qualifications, either or both of the employment pathways or any contribution to the community, whānau, hapū, iwi, or hapori Māori:
    5. the credit value:
    6. the assigned six-digit code from the New Zealand Standard of Classification of Education (NZSCED) system:
    7. the name of the appointed qualification developer:
    8. the name or kind of body that awards, or combination of bodies that award, the qualification:
    9. the intended period for ongoing review, usually being no longer than 5 years from listing and no longer than 5 years from each review thereafter.

5. Further details for qualifications listed at levels 1 to 6 and diplomas at level 7

  1. Compliance with rule 5.2 by a university is required only where the title of a qualification sought to be listed by the university begins with the words “New Zealand”.
  2. Subject to rule 5.1, qualifications at levels 1 to 6 and diplomas at level 7, in addition to the details in rule 4.1, must also contain the following details:
    1. for titles in English, the generic stem of the title (except for NCEA) must begin with the words "New Zealand" (and for the purposes of section 390(3) of the Act, this amounts to NZQA consent to use the words "New Zealand") or, for qualifications with a predominant use in one or more other countries, must begin with the acronym "NZQCF":
    2. after the words "New Zealand" or "NZQCF" (except for NCEA) will be the qualification type, then the designator that identifies the main discipline or subject field of the qualification, followed by its level:
    3. the title may include other qualifiers such as:
      1. the country or countries other than New Zealand in which it has a predominant use:
      2. optional discipline and focus qualifiers:
      3. strands that recognise achievement or specialties:
    4. the title must not include the name of a person, organisation, or product unless the applicant satisfies the quality assurance body that there is a sound educational justification for the inclusion:
    5. a suitable specification that contains the mandatory conditions set out in rule 5.3 and the optional conditions set out in rule 5.4 for programmes leading to the award of the qualification, which must enable the qualification to be achieved through a range of contexts and learning pathways.
  3. For the purposes of rule 5.2(e) mandatory conditions include:
    1. a description of the minimum relevant and necessary evidence for use by tertiary education organisations to demonstrate how the graduates have met the graduate outcomes for the purpose of assuring consistency:
    2. any pre-requisites to meet regulatory body or legislative requirements, such as for health and safety:
    3. in relation to standards listed on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards, where there are:
      1. suitable skill standards on the Directory that fit with the listed purpose and outcome statement required by rule 4.1(c) and (d), those skills standards must be set out:
      2. standards required for meeting legislative or professional registration requirements, those standards must be set out:
    4. the minimum standard of achievement, and standards for grade endorsements such as merit or excellence (where applicable).
  4. For the purposes of rule 5.2(e) optional conditions include:
    1. entry requirements, including a range of contexts and learning pathways, and minimum literacy levels:
    2. general guidance for programme developers:
    3. the context for delivery or assessment:
    4. any practicum requirements.

6. Micro-credential details listed on the NZQCF

  1. The details for all micro-credentials to be listed on the NZQCF are:
    1. a suitable title:
    2. the credit value and level:
    3. the assigned six-digit code from the New Zealand Standard of Classification of Education (NZSCED) system:
    4. a purpose and outcome statement that:
      1. states the use of the micro-credential in New Zealand or one or more other countries:
      2. describes the relevance of the micro-credential to students, whānau, hapū, iwi, hapori Māori, industry, employers, professions, or community groups, as appropriate:
      3. describes the knowledge, skills, and attributes that the learner will be able to demonstrate upon achieving the micro-credential:
      4. identifies the education pathways to qualifications or other credentials, if any:
      5. identifies a cultural or employment pathway or any contribution to the community, whānau, hapū, iwi, or hapori Māori:
    5. the name of the appointed micro-credential developer:
    6. any standards that are used:
    7. the period for ongoing review (usually 1-3 years).
  2. The title of a micro-credential must not include:
    1. any of the words “New Zealand”, “national”, “diploma”, “degree”, “bachelor”, “master”, “doctor”, “under-graduate” or “post-graduate” where it may cause confusion with a qualification on the NZQCF; or
    2. the name of a person, organisation, or product unless the applicant satisfies NZQA (or Universities New Zealand in relation to university applicants) that there is a sound justification for the inclusion.

7. Use of te reo Māori in listing qualifications and micro-credentials

  1. A qualification may be listed in te reo Māori instead of or in addition to English, and in place of the words "New Zealand" a reo Māori translation for "New Zealand" may be used for the purposes of rule 5.2(a).
  2. A micro-credential may be listed in te reo Māori instead of or in addition to English, where the listing in te reo Māori is consistent with rule 6.
  3. The use of te reo Māori in all listed qualifications and micro-credentials must be consistent with aspirations for Mātauranga Māori.
  4. Where qualifications or micro-credentials are listed in te reo Māori, the listing details in rule 4.1(c) and (d)(i) for qualifications, or in rule 6.1(d)(iii) for micro-credentials, will contain an English description.

8. Status of Qualifications on the NZQCF

  1. Qualifications and micro-credentials on the NZQCF will be assigned one of three kinds of status by NZQA: current, expiring, or discontinued.
  2. Qualifications and micro-credentials with current status are those in current use, and programmes leading to such qualifications, and those micro-credentials, may be offered and provided to students in accordance with the Act and with rules made under section 452 of the Act.
  3. Qualifications and micro-credentials with expiring status are those:
    1. which are being replaced with a new qualification or micro-credential; or
    2. for which a decision has been made for them to be discontinued in the future.
  4. Qualifications and micro-credentials with expiring status:
    1. may continue to be available to students enrolled in a programme of study or training leading to the expiring qualification, and to students enrolled in an approved expiring micro-credential, but no new students may be enrolled in that qualification or micro-credential from the time the qualification or micro-credential is assigned expiring status by NZQA; and
    2. will have a time limit for the expiry period, following which they will be assigned discontinued status.
  5. For qualifications and micro-credentials with discontinued status:
    1. the qualification or micro-credential may no longer be awarded unless all qualification or micro-credential requirements were completed prior to its discontinuation; and
    2. programmes leading to discontinued qualifications must not be offered or provided and discontinued micro-credentials must not be offered or provided.

9. Amendment of listing details on the NZQCF

  1. At the request of the qualification or micro-credential developer, or where the quality assurance body considers it necessary in the circumstances, the listing details may be amended.
  2. Where the quality assurance body considers it necessary to amend the listing details, the qualification or micro-credential developer will be given reasonable notice and an opportunity to respond.

10. Removal of a qualification or micro-credential from the NZQCF

  1. NZQA will remove a qualification or micro-credential from the NZQCF where it has been listed by mistake.

Applications to list qualifications and micro-credentials

11. Content and process for applications for approval to list qualifications on the NZQCF

  1. Applications for approval to list qualifications on the NZQCF must:
    1. contain the details set out in rule 4.1 and (where relevant) 6; and
    2. for qualifications at levels 1 to 6 and diplomas at level 7 also contain the details required by:
      1. rules 5.1 and 5.2; and
      2. rule 11.2 (other than university applications).
  2. The following additional requirements apply to applications (other than WDC applications) to list qualifications at levels 1 to 6 and diplomas at level 7:
    1. a stakeholder profile must be provided which identifies individuals and/or organisations with a “stake” in the outcome of the qualification, including the following mandatory stakeholders:
      1. a WDC where the qualification in the application relates to any of its specified industries:
      2. any other standard-setting body where the qualification in the application relates to an area of responsibility of that standard-setting body:
      3. regulatory bodies where the qualification in the application relates to an area of responsibility of that regulatory body:
      4. providers who are likely to be accredited to provide a programme leading to the qualification, or a sample of providers of a similar qualification:
    2. a list of the stakeholders from the stakeholder profile that had significant involvement in the development of the qualification:
    3. copies of relevant stakeholder attestations, with those attestations showing the nature, degree and reason for each stakeholder’s involvement in the development of the qualification:
    4. evidence of a comprehensive needs analysis that identifies and confirms the distinct need in New Zealand for the qualification, or in the other country or countries in which the qualification has a predominant use (including evidence of satisfying the requirements of the relevant regulatory body or bodies of that country or those countries):
    5. evidence of decisions made in the development of the qualification.
  3. In addition to supplying the details required in rule 11.1, applicants may:
    1. for the purposes of rule 7 request that the qualification is listed in te reo Māori instead of or in addition to English, and may choose whether to include a reo Māori translation for “New Zealand”:
    2. request that Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance is used for assessment of the application, and answer the following pātai aromātai for the six kaupapa set out in rule 11.4 - Kei te tutuki te tono nei i ngā kaupapa o Te Hono o Te Kahurangi?
  4. For the purposes of rule 11.3(b) the kaupapa as consistent with Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance are:
    1. rangatiratanga:
    2. whanaungatanga:
    3. manaakitanga:
    4. pūkengatanga:
    5. kaitiakitanga:
    6. Te Reo Māori.
  5. An applicant making a request under rule 11.3(b), in addition to providing the information required under this rule 11, must provide the information that Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance framework and tools require.
  6. NZQA will evaluate a request made under Rule 11.3(b), together with the information supplied, in accordance with Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance.
  7. NZQA may release an applicant from all or part of the requirements in rule 11.3(c) or (d), where the applicant satisfies NZQA there is good reason to do so.

12. Content and process for applications for approval to list micro-credentials on the NZQCF

  1. Applications for approval to list micro-credentials on the NZQCF must contain the details set out in rule 6.1 and (where relevant) rule 7.
  2. Applicants, in addition to supplying the details set out in rule 6.1, may:
    1. for the purposes of rule 7 request that the micro-credential is listed in te reo Māori instead of or in addition to English:
    2. request that Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance is used for assessment of the application, and answer the following pātai aromātai for the six kaupapa set out in rule 11.4 - Kei te tutuki te tono nei i ngā kaupapa o Te Hono o Te Kahurangi?
  3. NZQA will not list a micro-credential that has a credit value of more than 40 credits and either -
    1. is substantially similar to a qualification on the NZQCF; or
    2. has outcomes that are more suited to being listed as a qualification on the NZQCF.
  4. Where there are suitable skill standards on the Directory that fit with the listed purpose and outcome statement required by rule 6.1(d), those skill standards must be set out in the listing details for the purposes of rule 6.1(f).

13. Approval of qualification and micro-credential applications for listing

  1. NZQA will advise applicants if any of the requirements for the application require further work.
  2. Where NZQA is satisfied that the requirements for the application have been met, and that the qualification or micro-credential developer is properly capable of meeting the developer's responsibilities in rule 15, NZQA will:
    1. advise the applicant that the application has been approved;
    2. proceed to list the qualification or micro-credential on the NZQCF; and
    3. give the qualification or micro-credential a unique listing number.
  3. Where NZQA is not satisfied that the requirements are met, or not satisfied that the developer is properly capable of meeting the developer's responsibilities, NZQA will not approve the application.

14. Listing of approved qualifications and micro-credentials

  1. NZQA will list a qualification at levels 1 to 6 only where it is satisfied that the qualification does not duplicate an existing qualification, that there is a distinct need for the qualification, and that it will meet the outcomes as stated in the outcome statement required in rule 4.1(d).
  2. Where a qualification or micro-credential has been evaluated using Te Hono o Te Kahurangi quality assurance, NZQA will indicate this in the listing details.
  3. In listing a qualification NZQA will:
    1. list the relevant details set out in rules 4.1 and 5.2, and (where applicable) the details in rules 7.1 and 7.2:
    2. assign current status to the qualification:
    3. assign different review periods to those set out in rule 4.1(i) where NZQA believes that different review periods are needed.
  4. In listing an approved micro-credential NZQA will:
    1. list the relevant details set out in rule 6.1, and (where applicable) the details in rules 7.1 and 7.2:
    2. assign current status to the micro-credential:
    3. assign different review periods to those set out in rule 6.1(g) where NZQA believes that different review periods are needed.
  5. Universities New Zealand will:
    1. approve applications from universities for listing qualifications where the applications meet the requirements in rule 4.1;
    2. list the approved qualifications on the NZQCF or arrange for NZQA to do so; and
    3. before approving the content of any micro-credential under section 445 of the Act or granting any accreditation under section 446A of the Act, ensure the micro-credential has been listed by NZQA on the NZQCF.

Qualification and micro-credential developers

15. Responsibilities of qualification and micro-credential developers

  1. Qualification and micro-credential developers must:
    1. review the qualification or micro-credential within each review period specified for it, following the current guidelines published by the quality assurance body on its website:
    2. actively participate and cooperate in the process of NZQA initiated wider reviews of suites of qualifications or micro-credentials and of individual qualifications or micro-credentials, and provide information requested by NZQA for the purposes of the process.
  2. Qualification developers have a further responsibility to actively participate and cooperate in the process of assuring consistency of graduates of New Zealand qualifications at levels 1 – 6 and diplomas at level 7.

16. Qualification or micro-credential developers (other than universities) that are not meeting their responsibilities

  1. Where NZQA believes a qualification or micro-credential developer (other than a university) is not meeting its responsibilities under rule 15, NZQA will notify the developer and the original applicant for approval for listing the qualification (where the applicant is a different person) and seek their views including any remedial action the developer intends to take.
  2. Where NZQA has given the notice under rule 16.1 and remains satisfied that a developer is not meeting its responsibilities under rule 15, and that the developer has no effective remedial plan, then:
    1. NZQA may require a replacement developer to be appointed within a specified time period, being a developer that NZQA is satisfied will meet the responsibilities under rule 15, and may amend the listing details accordingly:
    2. NZQA may appoint the replacement developer if there is no replacement developer appointed under paragraph (a) within the specified time:
    3. NZQA may alter the status of the qualification or micro-credential on the NZQCF.

17. Unsatisfactory reviews of qualifications (other than university qualifications) or micro-credentials

  1. NZQA may, where it considers that a satisfactory result is not being achieved from any reviews of one or more qualifications (other than university qualifications) or micro-credentials, -
    1. notify the relevant qualification or micro-credential developers of the details of a further review process and the timeframes for that review:
    2. consult known interested parties in the review process, and take their views into account:
    3. reach an interim decision on the qualifications needed and advise the interested parties of the interim decision and the reasons for it:
    4. ask the interested parties for submissions on the interim decision, and take those submissions into account in reaching a final decision:
    5. notify the interested parties of the final decision, the reasons for the decision, and the timeframes and process for implementing the final decision:
    6. list the qualifications or micro-credentials needed that are not already listed, insert any relevant listing details for the resulting qualifications or micro-credentials, and assign an expiring status to qualifications or micro-credentials not required.

Award of qualifications and micro-credentials

  1. Organisations that may award a qualification or micro-credential listed on the NZQCF are:
    1. subject to rule 18.6, qualifications at levels 1 to 6, diplomas at level 7 and micro-credentials, the bodies listed in rule 18.2; and
    2. for all other qualifications, the body or combination of bodies listed for that qualification for the purposes of rule 4.1(h).
  2. Subject to rule 18.6, qualifications at levels 1 to 6, diplomas at level 7, and micro-credentials may be awarded by:
    1. an institution with a programme approval under section 439 of the Act in respect of the qualification or a micro-credential approval under section 445 of the Act in respect of the micro-credential; or
    2. an institution accredited under section 441 or 446A of the Act to provide the programme leading to the qualification or provide the approved micro-credential; or
    3. the qualification or micro-credential developer where there is good reason for the qualification or micro-credential not being awarded by the organisations described in rule 18.2(a) or (b); or
    4. NZQA where there is good reason for the qualification or micro-credential not being awarded by the organisations described in rule 18.2(a) – (c).
  3. The formal document certifying the award of a qualification with “New Zealand” or “NZQCF” in the title must bear the NZQCF logo and may also include the name or logo of the awarding body or qualification developer.
  4. The formal document certifying the award of a micro-credential must bear the NZQCF logo and may also include the name or logo of the awarding body or micro-credential developer.
  5. Where the language of instruction of a programme leading to a qualification or an approved micro-credential was a language other than English or te reo Māori, the formal document certifying the award of the qualification or micro-credential must clearly state the language of instruction.
  6. Rules 18.1(a) and 18.2 do not apply to NCEA or university qualifications.


  1. The NZQF Qualification Listing and Operational Rules 2021 are revoked.


NZQCF structure - Levels for qualifications and micro-credentials, and qualification types

Level Qualification type Micro-credentials
1 Certificate Micro-credentials
2 Certificate Micro-credentials
3 Certificate Micro-credentials
4 Certificate Micro-credentials








Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma

Bachelor's Degree


Post-graduate Certificate

Post-graduate Diploma

Bachelor Honours Degree

9 Master's Degree Micro-credentials
10 Doctoral Degree Micro-credentials