Digital submissions for external assessments

Information for students and schools on how to digitally submit an external assessment to NZQA, and information about our new digital submissions tool

The digital submissions process for external assessments has changed

Almost all NCEA and NZ Scholarship standards with a submission component are now submitted using the new digital submissions tool.

Only some NCEA and Scholarship standards are still submitted by schools on students' behalf through the previous system. These standards won't appear in the new submissions tool.

We'll provide submission instructions for these subjects to Principal’s Nominees, who manage digital submissions. Some submission instructions are also available on the subject pages.

Go to the subject pages

Submission tools

Using the new submissions tool

Information for students and schools on how to use the new digital submissions tool in the MyNZQA portal

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Using the previous system

Information for schools on how to to submit student work using the secure provider login

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