National Student Number (NSN)

About National Student Numbers and how to find your NSN if you don't know what it is

National Student Numbers (NSNs) are unique numbers given to every student in New Zealand.

You'll use your NSN to access our online services, such as the learners portal

Schools, tertiary providers and NZQA use your NSN to keep track of your academic records.

Find your NSN

If you don't know your NSN, there are several ways you can find it:

Ask our chatbot, Awhina, for your NSN (she can tell you a joke too). Find her at the bottom-right corner of this page 

How we use your NSN

There are laws covering how NZQA and other authorised users can use your NSN. 

Authorised users include the Ministry of Education and education providers, such as schools, universities and wānanga.

You can use or share your NSN for any purpose. Authorised users can only use or share your NSN for limited purposes

These purposes include sharing accurate, up-to-date information about individual students with other authorised users. 

About authorised users and how they can use your NSN

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