Nau mai, haere mai
Ngā Kaitūhono are our Māori advisory group, their role is to ensure our approach to mātauranga Māori is:
- compatible with Māori values
- consistent with Māori expectations
- complementary to other validation processes, including those that may be established by Māori.
Ngā Kaitūhono do not approve qualifications or accredit providers.
Ngā Kaitūhono advise us on how we achieve the goals of Te Kōkiritanga - our Māori Strategic Action Plan.
Ngā Kaitūhono was established in 2008.
On this page

Professor Wiremu Doherty - Chairperson
Professor Wiremu Doherty is the CEO at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi based in Whakatāne. Previously he was employed by the Manukau Institute of Technology as Executive Director Māori.
Professor Doherty has contributed to the development of NZQA’s Te Rautaki Māori as a member of the Māori Reference Group. He has also played roles in the development of NCEA Te Reo Māori Level 1 and 2.
Professor Doherty has recently completed his PhD on the roots of Mātauranga Māori in tribal based knowledge – Mātauranga-ā-Iwi. Wiremu has an extensive background in kaupapa Māori initiatives.

Hōne Sadler
Hōne Sadler has 40 years of teaching experience, 7 years in primary schools and 16 years in secondary. He has 10 years in the polytechnic sector and 7 years in the university sector.
He is currently a member of two of our whakaruruhau for Tikanga and Te Reo.
Mr Sadler is a certified translator and interpreter and a Master of Mātauranga Māori. Hōne has also been involved with a number of Private Training Establishments, Wānanga and Polytechnics through accreditation panels. He's also been a moderator and monitor of Degree programmes.
Hōne is one of the Kaumatua for Te Rūnanga-ā-Iwi-o-Ngāpuhi and was nominated as a member of Ngā Kaitūhono by a collection of Kaumātua from the Ngāpuhi region.
He is currently a Senior Lecturer in Māori Studies at the University of Auckland.

Sophie Tukukino
Sophie Tukukino, from Ngāti Tamaterā and Ngāti Kahungunu, has extensive teaching experience at primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
Sophie has held the role of Tumuaki at Te Kura Māori o Porirua for 13 years. Before this she was a Principal at a general stream school.
She currently mentors new and aspiring tumuaki. She has designed and implemented successful bilingual and immersion programmes in wānanga, kura ā iwi and general stream schools.
Sophie is a founding member of Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa. She's served on several Boards and committees, including Te Akatea NZ Maori Principal's Association, NZEI Te Riu Roa and Ngā Manu Kōrero Regional and National Committees.
Sophie was also a member of the working group that established a te reo Māori strategic plan for Hauraki iwi.
Sophie holds a Tāhūhū Whakaakoranga Masters Teaching and Learning and a number of post-graduate teaching diplomas.
Sophie gets on well with everyone she meets. She is an expert at providing pastoral care for all her learners and colleagues. She likes to guide them to understand their skills and abilities.

Rahui Papa
Rahui Papa has a background in broadcasting and education. He chairs several community organisations including kōhanga reo, tribal and community trusts and iwi-governance groups. Rahui has been a director and member on various tribal, local and national organisations. His main focus has been the hauora and strategic development of Waikato-Tainui and Māori in general.
He is an exceptional orator, linguist and a recognised authority on Waikato reo, tikanga and the Kīngitanga.
Rahui Papa is of Ngāti Koroki-Kahukura descent and is the current chairman of Te Arataura, the executive arm of Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui. He has represented his marae, Pōhara in the tribal parliament since it began in 1999.

Merepaea Te Uira Dunn
Merepaea is from Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, Ngapuhi, Te Whakatōhea, Ngai Tuhoe and Ngati Porou. She comes from a professional background in education, health and social services and is a Māori entrepreneur.
She has experience working in urban Māori organisations and was one of the first Whānau Ora Kaiārahi Navigators in 2011.
She enjoys sharing knowledge to te hunga rangatahi me te pani me te rawa kore. She is a contract programme facilitator in the Auckland Regional Women’s Correctional Facility (Māori Women’s Leadership). She also shares her ngaio in parenting programmes in the community.
Merepaea works with ACC Healthy Relationships Programme Mates and Dates in high schools across West Auckland Rodney and North Shore.
She has recently completed Ka Eke Poutama and has governance experience already.
Merepaea is interested in the pursuit of excellence at a higher governance and Strategic Level in Mātauranga Māori and Māori education. This way she can make changes to improve the lives of all whānau, hapū and iwi.

Hinepounamu Apanui-Barr
Hinepounamu has whakapapa connections to Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Hine. She describes herself as a sense maker, making sense of information with no right or wrong answer.
Give her a complex issue and the right people to work with – that’s where she works best.
She is currently working with Tokona te Raki as a Rangatahi Researcher. She loves the challenge of translating data. This data can be used as a tool for whānau to navigate challenges and create solutions for them and their community.
Tame Te Rangi
Tame has served on NZQA’s Whakaruhau and Standard Setting Bodies over many years and is currently co-chair of Whakaruruhau Matua.
Tame has whakapapa to Ngāti Whātua and Ngāpuhi. He is currently based in Whangarei, serving as an Inaugural Chair for the Kaipara Moana Remediation Joint Committee.
Tame has extensive lived experience within Hapū and Iwi Development as well as Māori Language and Culture, all of which will provide valuable insight for Ngā Kaitūhono.
He has repeatedly served his iwi, representing Ngāti Whātua as a Lead Negotiator for over a decade.
Bronwyn Yates QSM
Bronwyn has served on NZQA’s Whakaruhau and Standard Setting Bodies over many years and is currently co-chair of Whakaruruhau Matua.
Bronwyn has whakapapa to Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Roro-i-te-rangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga a Māhaki.
She has a background in adult education and training, resigning from her position as Te Tumuaki for Literacy Aotearoa in 2022.
Bronwyn also has extensive experience in governance and strategic advisory roles. She is currently engaged in roles with Inland Revenue, the Office of the Privacy Commission, and ACE Aotearoa.
Committed to the transformative power of education, Bronwyn is also Chairperson of Tuilaepa Youth Mentoring Services (TYMS).