Tō mātou whakakitenga: Kia noho takatū ki tō āmua ao.
E aronui ana mātou ki tēnei mea te mana taurite mō ngāi Māori.
To honour te Tiriti o Waitangi we:
- enable Māori to achieve education success as Māori
- co-design products, processes and initiatives with iwi, hapū and Māori
- make sure Māori interests are advanced.
Our actions
We will:
- create the space for Māori to exercise rangatiratanga in relation to relevant aspects of assessment, qualifications, and quality assurance
- partner with iwi, hapū and Māori in the development of our products and services
- exercise kāwanatanga in a manner that actively protects Māori interests
- continue to embed mātauranga Māori within qualifications, including NCEA
- proactively support the success of ākonga Māori in achieving qualifications
- give effect to te Tiriti o Waitangi and align to Ka Hikitia Ka Hāpaitia and Tau Mai Te Reo through the delivery of Te Kōkiritanga
- improve our te ao and te reo Māori organisational capability to build our cultural competency.
We also support the ending of streaming in schools.
Streaming on the Tokona te Rakatahi website (external link)
Ngā Kaitūhono, our advisory board, makes sure our approach to supporting mātauranga Māori is consistent with te ao Māori values and expectations. Ngā Kaitūhono also provides advice and guidance on Te Kōkiritanga.
“Ko ngā pae tawhiti whaia kia tata, ko ngā pae tata whakamaua kia tina”