Technology is quickly changing how we live and work. All sectors and industries need rangatahi who understand new technologies and how to use them.
You can get the skills and mātauranga you need to shape the changing world by studying PŪRAU.
Did you know?
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. PŪRAU is the whakaaro Māori representation of STEM, it comes from Pūtaiao, Hangarau, Pūkaha and Pāngarau.
PŪRAU disciplines are not new to Māori, in fact, each has a long and rich history in te ao and mātauranga Māori.
On this page
Learn more about PŪRAU
Whānau, you can learn more about PŪRAU subjects, and get tips for supporting your tamariki through NCEA, in our free NCEA me te Whānau workshops.
NCEA me te WhānauWhy PŪRAU matters
PŪRAU is responsible for many new technologies, including virtual reality, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and robotics.
In the future, you'll need some PŪRAU capability for most jobs.
Did you know?
Ākonga who take PŪRAU subjects in NCEA gain more pathway options for study and training.
Tāngata who can use technologies in creative ways or bring a te ao Māori perspective to Aotearoa's growing PŪRAU sectors have a lot to offer.
They can also benefit from strong, well-paid careers with great employment opportunities.
Meet people using PŪRAU in their mahi
There are plenty of people using their mātauranga to do amazing things in PŪRAU fields.
Meet some of these people, hear their stories, and find out how PŪRAU helped them succeed.

Download or listen to PŪRAU with Māui Pōtiki
PŪRAU with Māui Pōtiki is a free ebook resource.
It focuses on STEM through Māori history and mythology, and shows how STEM is still a key part of Māori society today.
Equity in STEM Symposium
The Equity in STEM Symposium focused on improving STEM outcomes for Māori and Pacific learners.
More than 450 people and representatives from 150 schools and organisations came to the symposium.
Speakers from a range of organisations covered pressing topics such as bias, systemic racism and streaming.
They also offered tools to help educators and organisations better support Māori and Pacific students in STEM subjects.