
Assessment support materials for Whakairo unit standards for secondary and tertiary kaiako

whakairo tohu

Kia ora, nau mai haere mai

Welcome to the Assessment Support Materials for Whakairo.

Whakairo recognises unique Māori carving that has developed over time.

The Whakairo unit standards explore the interpretations and understandings of whakapapa, te reo, symbolism, concepts, and representation within a Whakairo context.

The roles and responsibilities of kaiwhakairo (whakairo practitioner) are maintained to ensure the mana me ngā tikanga whakairo are kept.

The resources on this page are designed to help teachers and tutors assess ākonga against the relevant Whakairo unit standards listed in the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards (DASS).

Assessors can  use the assessment support material for the Whakairo unit standards to develop tasks and assessment schedules.


We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all those who contributed to the development of this practical resource.

Ākonga booklet

The Whakairo assessment booklet for ākonga includes:

  • Assessment criteria for Paetae (Achievement), Kaiaka (Achievement with Merit), and Kairangi (Achievement with Excellence)
  • Information on required tasks
  • An assessment task sheet for ākonga
  • A checklist for assessors.

Assessment support material booklets

The assessment support resources for Whakairo have been developed to support kaiako and tutors and the ākonga in achieving the outcomes of the unit standards listed below and are guidelines only.

If you would like to provide feedback on these resources or suggest changes to the content, please contact Māori Qualifications Services at mqs@nzqa.govt.nz.

Ākonga booklet in English

Whakairo ākonga booklet [PDF, 3.5 MB]

Ākonga booklet in reo Māori

Nga Rauemi Aromatawai Whakairo: Pukapuka Ākonga [PDF, 3.3 MB]

Reo Maori circle tohu

Assessor booklet

Whakairo assessor booklet [PDF, 7.6 MB]

Te Whakaruruhau booklet: Whakairo

This booklet is a collection of ideas and philosophies discussed at a Whakairo hui attended by tutors and tohunga of Whakairo held at Otawhao marae in Te Awamutu, May 1999. It has been edited to contain material that whakairo tutors may find useful and has been made available as a resource for tutors.

Whakairo Whakaruruhau Wānanga - Workshop Report 1999 [PDF, 2.3 MB]

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