About this standard
People credited with this unit standard can show knowledge of tikanga tūwaewae and can demonstrate tūwaewae.
Level: 1
Credits: 10
Video transcript
[Words on screen and narrator]
Unit Standard 20948
Level 1 Credit 2
People who achieve this unit standard can demonstrate knowledge of the tikanga of tūwaewae. They can also perform the essential skills of tūwaewae.
[2 men in traditional Māori dress perform the 6 stances of Tūwaewae. This is repeated by 2 more men doing 6 different stances.]
[Words on screen and narrator]
Tī rākau
Unit Standard 20947
Level 1 Credit 3
Demonstrate knowledge and skills of tī rākau.
People who achieve this unit standard can denonstrate knowledge of the tikanga of tī rākau. They can also perform the essential skills of tī rākau.
[2 men in traditional Māori dress perform the 6 stances of tī rākau. This is repeated by 2 more men doing 6 different stances.]
Tūwaewae video (2:52 mins)
Watch examples of tūwaewae that can be used to demonstrate all skills of tūwaewae and ti rakau.