Taonga Puoro

Assessment support materials for Taonga Puoro unit standards for secondary and tertiary kaiako

taonga puoro tohu

Kia ora, nau mai haere mai

Welcome to the Assessment Support Materials for Taonga Puoro.

The resources on this page are designed to help teachers and tutors assess ākonga against the relevant Taonga Puoro unit standards listed in the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards (DASS).

Assessors can use the assessment support material for the Taonga Puoro unit standards to develop tasks and assessment schedules.


We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all those who contributed to the development of this practical resource.

Ākonga booklets

The Taonga Puoro assessment booklet for ākonga includes: 

  • Assessment criteria for Paetae (Achievement), Kaiaka (Achievement with Merit), and Kairangi (Achievement with Excellence) 
  • Information on required tasks 
  • An assessment task sheet for ākonga 
  • A checklist for assessors. 

Assessment support material booklets

The assessment support resources for Taonga Puoro have been developed to support kaiako and tutors and the ākonga in achieving the outcomes of the unit standards listed below and are guidelines only.

If you would like to provide feedback on these resources or suggest changes to the content, please contact Māori Qualifications Services at mqs@nzqa.govt.nz.

Ākonga booklet

Taonga Puoro ākonga booklet [PDF, 3.9 MB]

Assessor booklet

Taonga Puoro assessor booklet [PDF, 5.4 MB]

Unit standard documents and videos

To view the unit standard document listed in the assessment support material booklets, please click on the standard link.

Level 1

30236 - Demonstrate knowledge of taonga puoro in relation to the Māori origin of sound and ngā atua Māori (external link)

30237 - Describe a taonga puoro artist or practitioner (external link)

30238 - Collect natural materials to create uncrafted taonga puoro (external link)

30239 - Identify, express and play reo puoro inspired by te taiao using uncrafted taonga puoro from the natural environment (external link)

Level 2

30240 - Demonstrate knowledge of whānau taonga puoro (external link)

30241 - Demonstrate knowledge of the traditional use of taonga puoro in accordance with tikanga (external link)

30242 - Construct simple taonga puoro (external link)

30243 - Describe the relationship between te taiao and taonga pūroro, and incorporate into performance using simple taonga puoro (external link)

Level 3

30244 - Demonstrate knowledge of factors in the historical demise, renaissance, and revival of taonga puoro (external link)

30245 - Construct and refine taonga puoro (external link)

30246 - Whakatangi taonga puoro (external link)

Level 4

30247 - Construct, refine, and embellish taonga puoro (external link)


Here are some level 1 video examples of Taonga Puoro from YouTube

Taonga Puoro Whānau – A Travelling Collection (Jerome Kavanagh) (external link)

Waiata Puoro (Tamas Molnar) (external link)

Mā te taringa, ka kite- Whanganui Taonga Puoro Wānanga 2015 (Te Aio Productions) (external link)

Nga Reo o te Whenua (Voices of the Land): Traditional Maori Instruments and Music - Richard Nunns (external link)

Video examples of Taonga Puoro from the SOUNZ Centre of New Zealand music website

Taonga puoro introduction on SOUNZ website (external link)

Hue on SOUNZ website (external link)

Kōauau on SOUNZ website (external link)

Nguru on SOUNZ website (external link)

Porotiti and pūrerehua on the SOUNZ website (external link)

Pūtātara, pūmoana and pūpū on the SOUNZ website (external link)

Pūtōrino and raukatauri on the SOUNZ website (external link)

Te kū and rōria on the SOUNZ website (external link)

Tōkere and tūmutūmu on the SOUNZ website (external link)

Taonga Puoro website (external link)

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