NCEA me te Whānau

Learn about NCEA in this free workshop for Māori families and communities

About NCEA me te Whānau

Rangatahi do better in school when whānau are involved in their learning. NCEA me te Whānau workshops help Māori students, parents and communities understand NCEA. 

The workshops contain lots of helpful information. They're also fun and interactive.

You'll learn about subject choices, career pathways and options for digital exams.

We can run an NCEA me te Whānau workshop at your marae, kura or community event.

NCEA me te Whānau is part of a government initiative to raise student achievement. 

The workshops are led by NZQA's tari Māori.

“NCEA me te Whānau provided a platform for me to understand how to support my tamaiti with NCEA. I enjoyed the whanaungatanga and appreciated the kaupapa Māori lens. I'm now more aware of how I can support my tamaiti to succeed.”
Me te Whānau participant
me te whanau logo

What you'll learn

In an NCEA me te Whānau workshop, you'll learn how:

  • NCEA works
  • you or your child's aspirations link to NCEA
  • you can support your child's learning
  • NCEA subjects can lead to different careers.

Book a workshop

Does your church, sports team, community group or extended family want to learn more about NCEA?

Workshops can be delivered in-person or online, and hosted by your iwi and hapū, local kura/school, church, or community group.

If you would like to host a workshop please complete our registration form.

Register to host a workshop (external link)

Contact the NCEA me te Whānau team if you have any questions or feedback.

Email the NCEA me te Whānau team

Taku NCEA wall planner in green

Interactive resources


Taku NCEA wall planner

Download and print our NCEA subject planner in your favourite colour. Put it up on your wall and use it to keep your studies organised.

Taku NCEA planner, kākāriki  [PDF, 511 KB]

Taku NCEA planner, waiporoporo [PDF, 425 KB]

Taku NCEA planner, kikorangi [PDF, 342 KB]

Taku NCEA planner, whero [PDF, 324 KB]



Download our ebook and meet Māori people working in a range of PŪRAU careers.

Find out what they studied and how they went from education to employment in PŪRAU with Māui Pōtiki.

Download PŪRAU with Māui Pōtiki [PDF, 6 MB]


NCEA me te Whānau guide

A whānau guide to help your tamaiti succeed.

Download NCEA me te Whānau [PDF, 2.2 MB]


NCE A to Z

A student guide to pave your pathway towards success.

Download NCE A to Z [PDF, 3 MB]

Connect with us online




NCEA me te Whānau



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