These videos show you how to use Pūtake to:
- see what workshops, courses and modules are available
- how to access and navigate Bite-Sized Modules and Short Courses
- see how to access the Making Assessor Judgements and Transforming Assessment Praxis workshops
- log in to Pūtake.
Video transcript
Welcome. NZQA have developed a range of online courses and workshops to support teachers with the assessment of internally assessed standards.
We've produced this short video to explain how you can access this content via our online learning management system, Pūtake.
[Shows the home dashboard of Pūtake]
I'll also explain what each course contains and how enrolment works.
The courses are free and can be completed at your own pace at times convenient to you.
There are a wide variety of e-learning modules available, so of which can be seen on the screen now.
[Shows a page with individual tiles for each course and a menu on the left]
These modules include subject-specific, bite-sized and short courses focusing on a variety of subjects and standards, and several Making Assessor Judgement courses, which are based on our best practice workshops.
We also have other generic modules.
We will continue to expand the range over time in response to sector feedback.
What courses are available on Pūtake?
Duration: 00:52 minutes
This short video shows the range and types of online learning available on Pūtake.
Video transcript
[Shows the home dashboard of Pūtake]
I'll provide some detail about these courses now.
[The tile for Bite-sized Assessor Support is on the far left and circled to show its location]
Bite-sized modules are subject-specific, self-enrolled, self-paced modules focusing on a variety of subjects and standards. These modules are intended to be short bursts of information and activities focusing on particular aspects of achievement standards.
[Shows a page in Pūtake with individual tiles for each course and a menu on the left]
The modules can take up to 60 minutes to complete and assessors can access the materials and activities as many times as desired.
[Shows the page scrolling to the bottom and clicking on 'Load more', bringing up more individual tiles]
Let's look more closely at what's available. We currently have 33 bite-sized modules available, with more being added. A range of subjects and topics are covered. Each module has a different focus and activities.
[Clicking on the title of Chemistry - 91911 The Significance of the Findings brings up details of that course and a 'Go to course' button]
Here is a Chemistry module Standard 91911.
[Clicking the 'Go to course' button takes the user to another page called Enrolment options with an 'Enrol me' button]
The purpose of this module is to increase assessor confidence in awarding the correct level of achievement based on the significance aspect of standard 91911.
[Clicking on the 'Enrol me' button brings up a course page for Chemistry - 91911 The Significance of the Findings with more tiles and buttons]
For this module you'll complete two short activities in 30 minutes.
[Clicking on the 'Dashboard' link in the top left of the screen takes you back to the home dashboard]
Let's head back to your home dashboard to look at the short courses.
[The tile for Short Courses is second from the left and circled to show its location]
Our short courses contain more content and can take up you 120 minutes to complete.
[Shows a page in Pūtake with individual tiles for each course and a menu on the left]
We have around 30 short courses currently online, with more being added over the next few months. Just like the bite-sized modules, they are free and can be enrolled in anytime.
[Shows the page scrolling to the bottom and clicking on 'Load more', bringing up more individual tiles]
These modules can be all be paused, resumed and then completed at your own pace. There is a wide range of topics to support teachers in their assessment of internal standards.
Let's look at a short course.
[Clicking on the title of Media Studies - 91252 Exploring the moving image treatment brings up details of that course and a 'Go to course' button]
Simply enrol in the course and begin learning.
[Clicking the 'Go to course' button takes the user to another page called Enrolment options with an 'Enrol me' button]
Remember you can pause any time and come back to the module later if you need to.
[Clicking on the 'Enrol me' button brings up a course page for Media Studies - 91252 Exploring the moving image treatment with more tiles and buttons]
[The button called 'Feedback' is at the bottom middle of the page and is circled to show its location]
Remember you can give feedback too. We need your feedback to help us provide you with what you need.
Tour of Bite-Sized Modules and Short Courses
Duration: 1:41 minutes
This video introduces Bite-Sized Modules and Short Courses.
Video transcript
[Shows the Pūtake course details page for Media Studies - 91252 Exploring the moving image treatment]
[Clicking on the 'Dashboard' link in the top left of the screen takes you back to the home dashboard for Pūtake]
Let's head back to your home dashboard and look at the Making Assessor Judgement workshops.
[The tile for Making Assessor Judgements is the third tile from the left and is circled to show its location]
These are introductory workshops that provide assessors with support to make and justify assessment decisions confidently, and reliably by examining real examples of student work.
[Shows a page in Pūtake with individual tiles for each course and a menu on the left]
The workshops are divided up into modules covering two or three standards, and have various activities and resources focusing on key aspects of making assessment decisions in the chosen achievement standard.
[Clicking on a title of a tile brings up details of that course and a 'Go to course' button]
These workshops run over several weeks and you can enrol in one at a time that suits you.
[Shows the 'Go to course' button on the right, which is circled to show its location]
[Clicking the 'Go to course' button takes the user to another page called Enrolment options with an 'Enrol me' button]
You can enrol now for the next workshop.
[Clicking on the 'Enrol me' button brings up a course page with more information and buttons]
Once the course starts, the activities can be completed at any time. However, we recommend that they are done in the order provided.
The modules each take approximately 120 minutes to complete and the activities can be repeated as many times as necessary.
This means you get a chance to learn, reflect, practice, and then go back to complete the content if needed. You'll be making judgements on full examples of student work.
You can self-enrol and work at your own pace once the course starts.
We're also offering the Transforming Assessment Praxis or 'TAP" Course.
[Clicking on the 'Dashboard' link in the top left of the screen takes you back to the home dashboard]
[The tile for Transforming Assessment Praxix is the fourth tile, left to right, and is circled to show its location]
It's aimed at providing you with strategies to modify existing resources and to explore different and valid ways of collecting evidence.
[Shows a page in Pūtake with individual tiles for each course and a menu on the left]
The workshop features activities, videos and professional readings, and encourages feedback from colleagues via formal and informal collaboration.
[Clicking the 'Go to course' button takes the user to another page called Enrolment options with an 'Enrol me' button]
[Clicking on the 'Enrol me' button brings up a course page for Transforming Assessment Praxis with more information and buttons]
The content is geared towards practical research-based ideas and resources. TAP is designed to use the self-reflection and discussion of participants as an important catalyst for change.
This workshop allows for participants to learn, and then trial, assessment strategies that they can easily implement with their learners. Why not enrol now?
We also have workshops running in July, August and October. Please take some time to look at what courses are available.
[Clicking on the 'Dashboard' link in the top left of the screen takes you back to the home dashboard]
Remember, more will be added throughout the year, so keep checking Pūtake to stay up to date.
Finally, please tell your colleagues about the courses.
And remember, we need your feedback to help us develop courses that will help you.
Thank you.
Tour of Making Assessor Judgements and Transforming Assessment Praxis
Duration: 2:15 minutes
This video introduces the Making Assessor Judgements and Transforming Assessment Praxis (TAP) courses.
Video transcript
[Shows a blank search page for the Firefox browser]
Let's look now at how you can access the courses. You can access the modules via the NZQA subject resources page.
[Shows the NZQA Subject resources page on the NZQA website]
Let's select Geography to get started.
[Clicking on the 'Geography' link takes you to the specific Geography subject resources page]
[The link to Online assessor support is towards the bottom of the page and is circled to show its location]
Click on Online assessor support.
[Shows a page for Geography - Online Assessor Support with a list of specific courses circled]
Several resources are available for this subject.
To log in to Pūtake, you need to use your Education Sector Logon. The Delegated Authoriser in your school will need to assign you a NZQA LMS Teacher role for you to be able to get access.
If you need help you can contact Education Services about this.
Let's log in now.
[Shows a link '' on the same page and circles it to show its location]
Click the link to go to Pūtake.
[Clicking the '' link takes the user to the welcome screen of Pūtake]
[The Login button is on the bottom left of the screen and is circled to show its location]
And then select 'Login' via ESL.
[Shows the Education Sector Logon page, then the user puts in their username and password while it is blurred for privacy]
Once you've been redirected to the ESL page you can enter your details.
[After logging into ESL, it shows the personalised Pūtake dashboard]
This is your home dashboard, where you can access many different types of activities.
Logging into Pūtake
Duration: 00:52 minutes
This video shows you how to log in to Pūtake.