Working with the Examination Centre Manager

Find out more about how the Exam Centre Manager works with the Principal's Nominee

The development of a strong working relationship between the Principal’s Nominee (PN) and Exam Centre Manager (ECM) forms the basis of smooth running of exams. By the start of Term 4, the PN should meet with the ECM and discuss the following.

Managing entries

  • Check that entries on the ECM's planner match school-predicted entry numbers.
  • Identify any late-entry candidates and confirmed absentees, and provide the ECM with written details of these.
  • Confirm that candidates with special assessment conditions have valid entries.
  • Identify any twins or triplets to ensure there is no confusion with booklets.
  • Provide details of the resolution of any exam clashes.
  • Confirm, in writing, individual candidates who have indicated they will not attend New Zealand Scholarship exams.
  • Confirm entries of candidates from other schools sitting externals at your school’s examination centre, especially that they have late entries and this creates a new exam session.
  • Confirm whether the school has any candidates for New Zealand Scholarship exams in Drama, Languages, Music, Te Reo Māori or Te Reo Rangatira, and discuss any special resourcing arrangements for these. Refer to the ECMs Audiovisual Assessment Instructions for details.

Examination timetable clashes

Managing students

  • Develop procedures for supporting the ECM with managing student behaviour inside the exam room (ECO responsibility) and outside the exam room (school responsibility).
  • Organise teaching staff to clear calculators before exams commence.
  • Agree on the process for managing candidates who arrive without an admission slip or need a new one.
  • Confirm arrangements for candidates with special assessment conditions for each exam session.
  • Identify candidates with minor health problems that may affect how they perform or behave in an exam. Candidates may need to be seated in a particular place in an exam room.
  • Confirm that New Zealand Scholarship candidates in Drama, Languages, Music, Te Reo Maori or Te Reo Rangatira understand and have practised the format of the examination.

Managing students with special assessment conditions in external exams

Resources to prepare

Exam rooms

Determine which rooms and areas will be best for each exam session so you can provide the most efficient and economical use of supervisors.

Exam assistants (reader/writers)

  • Provide a list of which exam assistants (reader/writers) will work alongside which candidates approved for reader and/or writer and confirm that they have been trained in their reader/writer role. Arrange training where this has not already happened.
  • Provide a list of which exam assistants the school pays and who the ECM should liaise with regarding payment for supervising candidates using special assessment conditions.

Materials required by the ECM

Ensure that the materials required by the ECM from the school, and expected by candidates, are known and well communicated to all parties.

Exam equipment

  • Confirm that there will be suitable equipment available for the examinations that require this. This may include cameras, televisions, DVD players, speakers players and computers. Refer to the ECMs Audiovisual Assessment Instructions for details. Note that computers provide better sound quality than CD players.
  • For digital exams using Assessment Master, ensure there will be one device per digital exam room being used, for supervisors to access the dashboard.
  • Confirm that the school has had all equipment to be used for examinations cleaned and/or serviced to ensure optimum levels of performance.
  • Provide a locked, alarmed room containing a locked cupboard in which exam papers can be stored between morning and afternoon sessions, or for the entirety of the exams. NZQA expects that only the ECM and the PN will have keys to access this room during the examination period. Windows overlooking this room must be covered.

After hours arrangements

  • Ensure arrangements are in place with the property manager for after-school hours, including unlocking buildings and disarming alarms.
  • Arrange a suitable venue and facilities for supervisors to meet and/or take rest breaks, and have access to tea/coffee making facilities.

Exam notices

Arrange the enlargement, photocopying and display of exam warning notices (e.g., Silence – Exams in Progress) for presentation in areas where exams are to take place.

ECM access to a computer, photocopier, and WiFi

Provide the ECM with access to a computer, photocopier, and WiFi for use during the exam period.

Pre-examination assembly

Arrange a pre-examination assembly for all candidates at which the ECM introduces themselves and explains NZQA’s expectations. This meeting should include any candidates from other schools who will be using the school as their exam centre.

Resources for the exam period

Confirm with the ECM that the following resources will be available during the examination period:

  • A central information area with whiteboards to enable candidates to check the location of their examination room.
  • Desks and chairs that are clean and do not wobble. Please supply pieces of cardboard, or similar, to level the legs. All examination rooms, including the hall, need to be set up prior to the exam period.
  • Provide the ECM with access to a computer, photocopier, and WiFi for use during the exam period.
  • A whiteboard and pens (or blackboard and chalk) in each exam room for notices or for supervisors to indicate to candidates the time remaining in an exam session.
  • Wall clocks, with new batteries for each exam room, or electronic timing devices for large spaces. All timing devices must be clearly visible to candidates.
  • A computer, linked to a printer for each candidate using a computer for special assessment. Plan allocation of printers, including sharing for multiple candidates. See information about use of computers in exams.
  • Blu-tack for mounting notices for candidates.

And depending upon individual exam sessions:

  • A computer linked to a suitable audiovisual system to ensure clarity of sound and vision from any audiovisual files played.
  • Recording systems for New Zealand Scholarship exams in Drama, Language, Music, Te Reo Māori and Te Reo Rangatira. Determine how the recordings should be saved and transferred from the supervisor to the PN for upload. This procedure should have been practised before the exams begin.

Before the exam timetable starts, the ECM will inform you about the specific equipment items and quantities that will be required.

Other pre-exam preparation

  • Organise a method for the ECM to call for support if required (e.g. provide the ECM with your phone number and the phone number of another senior staff member).
  • Ensure the ECM and supervisors know and can carry out the school's emergency evacuation and lockdown procedures.
  • Check any building or grounds renovations planned for the school and/or ensure that the vicinity of any exam will not disturb candidates.
  • Note any examination sessions when the ECM will be the sole supervisor so that the PN or another staff member can be on hand to provide a 15-minute comfort break during morning exams, and after the school day finishes, if required.
  • Consider disabling the school bell. The ringing of the school bell can disturb candidates, particularly those listening or viewing audiovisual files. It may be possible to mute the bell for examination periods or isolate specific areas of the school. Inform all candidates of the emergency alarm signal that will replace the bell if this is disabled.
  • Check whether there are any visiting schools, students, or events scheduled during the exam period that could potentially disrupt exam candidates. It is important to inform such groups in advance about the exams being held and communicate the expected behaviour from them.

Daily organisation

  • Add details of exam locations to ‘Daily Notices’ and remind students to avoid these areas.
  • Check that the equipment for exam sessions is available and functioning.
  • Ensure the technician is available in the event of any equipment breakdown and during digital exam sessions.
  • The PN or their delegate liaises with the ECM.
  • Daily emergency contact between ECM and a senior manager is arranged.

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