- "All students within a course must be assessed against the same standards."
- "All students should be assessed against every standard offered in a course."
- "A course must contain no more than 24 credits and no less than 18 credits."
On this page
- Students need a total of 80 credits for each NCEA qualification.
- Assessment programmes can be personalised to meet individual student needs. Some students may undertake less assessment, whilst others undertake more.
- The National Curriculum details what may be taught, but not everything needs to be assessed. Too much assessment can get in the way of learning.
- The school decides on the overall number of credits assessed in a year, by a student or group of students.
- Students should be assessed when they are ready.
- The teaching programme should allow students to be assessed when they are ready.
More information
More points about NCEA
A teaching programme should meet the requirements of the New Zealand Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
An assessment programme should give students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning.
Factors that might determine the amount of assessment undertaken include:
- your school's assessment policy
- the way in which evidence of achievement can be gathered
- the number of credits needed to gain a qualification, course endorsement, University Entrance, or other tertiary entrance requirements
- credits required for Vocational Pathways.