Myth 7 Selecting work for external moderation

Myths and facts about selecting work for moderation


  • The samples selected for external moderation must be verified as part of the internal moderation process.

  • NZQA requires all internally assessed work to be stored for three years.

  • All work from the previous year must be kept in case it is required for external moderation.

  • NZQA requires hard copies of student evidence.


  • Schools should select and submit moderation for each standard in their moderation plan once they have completed the assessment process (when internal moderation has been completed and results given to students for that standard).
  • Schools need to retain assessment material, so it is available for external moderation, benchmarking, evidence of internal moderation and confirming the accuracy of results.
  • Material for external moderation should be from the current year.
  • NZQA requires the following set of samples for external moderation:

    • Six samples of student work for standards where Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit or Excellence grades are available. Samples should include:
      • one sample each at N, A, M, E (if a sample at a grade is not available, replace with one at the nearest grade available, but only send a maximum of two samples at N). Where possible these should be a typical response for the grade, not borderline.
      • two more from A, M, E. These could be borderline or particular pieces of work you wish to have moderated.

Note: Where the total number of students assessed for the standard is smaller than the minimum requirements, all student work must be submitted, but only a maximum of samples at N.

More information

External moderation

Internal moderation

Suggestions for managing assessment workload

  • Select your external moderation sample soon after verification of assessment decisions for each standard assessed
  • You should follow your school's procedure for filing or storing assessment material.
  • Clearly label work generated digitally and store it in an accessible place.
  • Clearly date all evidence so that it can be replaced by new work and discarded as necessary.

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