Myth 9: Derived grades

Myths and facts about derived grades

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  • Results from internally assessed standards can be submitted as derived grades.

  • Evidence for derived grades can be partial and naturally occurring in learning activities.

  • A teacher can collect a derived grade after a student misses an NZQA exam.

  • Derived grades from practice assessments do not need to be quality assured.

  • I can predict the grade based on my professional judgement.

  • Unmodified NZQA exam papers can be used to generate a derived grade.

  • A student cannot apply for a derived grade if they sat the examination.

  • The Principal's Nominee approves derived grade applications.


  • Derived grades can only be used for external assessments because they provide a result for a student who couldn’t attend an external exam or assessment or submit a portfolio, or attended an external assessment but their performance was significantly impaired.
  • Schools must collect evidence for derived grades in a way that mirrors how NZQA assesses an external standard. The format and conditions should be similar, for example, formal practice assessments.
  • Sufficiently modifying past NZQA assessments and keeping commercially produced practice assessments secure helps to maintain authentic evidence.
  • Students should sit their exams and assessments whenever possible because NZQA will award the higher of the exam grade and the derived grade.
  • NZQA approves derived grades. If a school does not support a student’s application, they must still submit it to NZQA.
  • Students selected for national representation in a sport, cultural or academic event must apply for pre-approval.
  • Students can appeal to NZQA when derived grade applications are declined.
  • Evidence for a derived grade must be pre-existing (collected before an NCEA assessment), authentic and standard-specific. It should also be quality assured through verification or justification.

More information

Derived grades

More points about derived grades

  • Senior management is responsible for ensuring that all derived grades are based on valid, authentic evidence and have been subject to quality assurance processes.

  • Like all external assessment results, derived grades are provisional until confirmed by NZQA.

  • A student making an individual application may choose not to apply for a derived grade when reported grade would be 'Not Achieved.

  • The derived grade process is not available for New Zealand Scholarship as it is a competitive award.

  • Derived grades are for events at the time of the external assessment, for example, temporary illness, injury, bereavement or misadventure.

  • Students suffering from long-term or recurring conditions may

    • be entitled to Special Assessment Conditions

    • be eligible for a derived grade if there is a sudden or significant change to their condition just before an external assessment

    • have to accept that results from practice assessments may be affected by their conditions and that derived grades wouldn’t be appropriate.

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