Guidelines for SAC provision in Digital Exams and CATs

How to manage specific Special Assessment Condition entitlements in Digital Exams and Common Assessment Tasks

About this guide

Digital Exams may not be appropriate for students with Special Assessment Conditions. Schools should consider specific circumstances and available resources.

This guide is to help schools apply Special Assessment Conditions entitlements when students are entered for any of the Digital Exams.

Please note: A digital supervisor can monitor up to 10 students from a central location, if the students are in separate places with an exam assistant, or if the students need to be isolated.

Guidelines based on SAC entitlements


As all Digital Exams require the use of a computer, no additional accommodations are provided.

Small Group Separate Accommodation

Has the student been granted a Small Group Separate Accommodation SAC because they have an entitlement for computer use?

If so, the student is accommodated like any other student doing the Digital Exam.

Has the SAC been approved for a reason other than just computer use alone?

If yes, you must decide whether you can manage this entitlement in a Digital Exam room, or if you can set them up in a separate room.

Isolated Separate Accommodation

You must decide whether you can manage Isolated Separate Accommodation for a Digital Exam. For example, whether you can provide a room or supervisor.

Writer (Typist)

Although it's possible for a Writer (Typist) to type for a student in a Digital Exam there are practical challenges to make this work for both the student and the Writer (Typist).

It may be more appropriate that students entitled to a Writer sit the paper-based exam.

The decision for a writer to type is made by the Writer, not the student. You must decide whether you have the resources to manage a Writer or Typist for a Digital Exam. For example, if you have a room or typist or writer available.


There is currently no text to speech capability in the Digital Exams other than in a limited way for the corequisite assessments.

While a Reader can be used for the digital exam, we do not recommend this unless it has been trialled, so both the student and the reader are confident.

You must decide whether you have the resources to manage a Reader for a Digital Exam. For example, if you have a room or Reader available.

Extra Time

Extra writing time is granted exactly the same as paper exams.

Rest Breaks

Rest Breaks are granted exactly the same as paper exams.

Special Papers

Students have the ability to change the font size in their typed responses. Students will not be able to change the font size of a question but can use the zoom function of the browser to increase its size. 

It will not be possible to change the background screen colour.

Complex Issues

If a student has complex issues requiring specialised support, please contact the NZQA SAC team:

Email the SAC team

Digital Technologies Common Assessment Tasks (CAT)

As Digital Technologies CATs are run by schools and are not November exams, you will not find them on the SAC exams processing lists for your students.

However, you do need to provide SAC for this assessment. Provide options such as a Reader, Typist or speech-to-text software if the student wants to use them.

Contact the SAC team

If you have a question or feedback, contact the SAC team at

Go to the main SAC page