SAC for Level 1 externally assessed submitted standards and TAPA in Term 3

Learn about SAC arrangements for specific assessments

Some Level 1 subjects have external assessments in Term Three.

Students might:

  • complete these over time and submit the assessments digitally
  • complete a TAPA assessment.

For these assessments, the approach to providing SAC should be similar to arrangements for internal assessment.

General guidelines

  • All SAC provisions are available to students with SAC entitlements unless the relevant assessment specifications don’t allow them.
  • Students may be able to complete drafts without the support of a Writer but may need this support when they write the final copy.
  • A Reader may only be required when the resource material is read but not at other times unless requested by the student.
  • A text-to-speech application may be appropriate to replace a human Reader if this suits the student.
  • Discuss the need for SAC support with the student and decide on an approach before the assessment period starts so both students and teachers are clear on what SAC is available.
  • Extra time may be appropriate (if there is a time allocation, this is a guide only).
  • Many of the assessments allow you to submit different types of evidence and file types. These choices may impact what SAC students need.

SAC in exceptional circumstances

Contact to discuss exceptional circumstances.

Guidelines for specific subjects

Design & Visual Communication - 92002 and 92003

SAC is usually not appropriate when producing design ideas unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Drama – 91942 and 91943

SAC is usually not appropriate for the performance phase of the assessment unless there are exceptional circumstances.

English – 91926

  • Students can use spellcheckers that are embedded in programmes such as Word. However, they can’t use programmes that substantially rewrite large amounts of text (such as Grammarly).
  • Student agency is encouraged but you can provide a Writer if it’s essential for the student to be fairly assessed.

Music – 91950 and 91951

SAC is usually not appropriate for the performance phase of the assessment unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Nga Mahi a te Rehia – 92063 and 92064

SAC is usually not appropriate for the performance phase of the assessment unless there are exceptional circumstances.

NZ Sign Language – 92357 and 92358

  • Provide a signing supervisor to make sure that students receive clear instructions and can ask questions about process.
  • Provide a signing reader if needed. They must be given access to assessment materials before the assessment so that they can adequately prepare. Follow the school’s requirements for this.

Te Ao Haka – 91978 and 91979

SAC is usually not appropriate for the performance phase of the assessment unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Te Reo Maori – 92095

  • Students can use spellcheckers that are embedded in programmes such as Word. However, they can’t use programmes that substantially rewrite large amounts of text (such as Grammarly).
  • Student agency is encouraged but you can provide a Writer if it’s essential for the student to be fairly assessed.

Toi Ataata – 92085 and 92086

SAC is usually not appropriate when producing artwork unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Visual Arts – 91914 and 91915

  • SAC is usually not appropriate when producing the artwork unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • You can provide a Writer when the student writes research or planning notes if the student needs one.

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