Assistance for deaf or hard of hearing students

Information on providing reading and writing support for external assessment

Writing support

Some deaf or hard of hearing students will face writing barriers, particularly those students for whom New Zealand Sign Language is their preferred language.

For these students, an entitlement to a signer can be approved by NZQA.

To address the writing barrier, the student will sign the answers to the signer. The signer can either:

  • write the answers signed by the student or
  • speak the answers to enable a writer/typist to write or type the answers. In this case, 2 exam assistants will be needed: the signer and the writer/typist.

Care needs to be taken to accurately translate the student’s sign production into its English equivalent to ensure authenticity.

In some cases, a student may choose to write for themselves as this best supports their thinking process. However, where spelling is a barrier, they may request fingerspelling support (the representation of individual letters using the NZSL alphabet).

Reading support

Many deaf or hard of hearing students are capable readers in English or Te Reo Māori. They may need no assistance to read assessment questions.

An entitlement to a signer can be approved by NZQA if the student:

  • uses New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) as their first or most accessible language
  • has a lower reading age than their hearing peers and will need assistance to read assessment questions.

The signer can use a combination of reading or translation techniques to support the student based on the student’s specific needs. This can include New Zealand Sign Language, Sign Supported English or Clear Speech Techniques.

Where the full text is translated into NZSL, two exam assistants may be needed: the reader and the signer.

Supervisor who is capable of signing

In assessment sessions where a student is using a signer, the student will be separately accommodated. The signer will be able to communicate any assessment instructions, respond to general questions and communicate any emergency instructions.

In assessment sessions where one or more students are being supervised, and signing support in reading or writing is not needed, an entitlement to a signing supervisor can be approved by NZQA.

The signing supervisor makes sure:

  • any spoken instructions given to all students are signed for deaf and hard of hearing students
  • deaf and hard of hearing students can communicate any questions they may have
  • deaf and hard of hearing students can receive any instructions in an emergency. 

Separate accommodation for deaf and hard of hearing students

You can consider these for deaf and hard of hearing student accommodation:

  • adequate lighting for accessing visual cues, lip-reading on reader’s face including backlighting considerations
  • limiting visual distractions, for example, movement outside the room
  • providing a reader with a familiar voice- pitch, volume, accent
  • seating arrangements to ensure optimal visual and auditory access. For example, the reader should sit alongside or across from the student.

This needs to be done in consultation with the student.


New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL)

This is a Visual-Gestural language that has a different linguistic structure to English. The signs that are used convey meaning through hand-shape, orientation, movement and location.

Accompanying these signs are facial grammar, expression, use of space, a system of body posture and usually the absence of voice.

Sign supported English 

An oral mode of communication with the addition of key signs. These signs provide visual access to words and phrases which allows the student to use their visual literacy skills.

The signs are used simultaneously with speech to provide the most meaning during communication. The linguistic structure of Sign Supported English is English.

Clear Speech techniques

These include the reader speaking words and sentences in a precise, accurate and fully formed manner. It is normally a little louder and slower than everyday speech. Clear Speech strategies can include:

  • acoustic highlighting
  • pointing to text while reading
  • awareness of matching tone and facial expression to reflect the meaning of the text (you may need separate accommodation to ensure other students are not disturbed).

Contact the SAC team

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