Extra Writing Time option

Information about the Special Assessment Condition of Extra Writing Time for assessments

When you can request Extra Writing Time

A student entitled to Computer or Writer assistance may request Extra Writing Time instead. They can request it for assessments in selected subjects where using a computer or writer may not be easy.

For exams in the selected subjects, the student:

  • must be entered in NCEA for more than 2 standards or New Zealand Scholarship
  • must not already be entitled to Extra Writing Time.

The student must select the whole session, not standard by standard.

For internal time-bound assessments extra time should be offered in the same subjects and levels. The rate should be 10 minutes per hour.

This also applies, as appropriate, to Common Assessment Activities.

Subjects with the Extra Writing Time option

NCEA Level Subjects

  • Accounting L2 and L3
  • Biology L2 and L3
  • Calculus L3
  • Chemistry L2 and L3
  • Economics L2 and L3
  • Earth and Space Science L2 and L3
  • Geography L2 and L3
  • Mathematics and Statistics L2
  • Making Music L3
  • Music L2
  • Physics L2 and L3
  • Statistics L3

New Zealand Scholarship subjects

  • Scholarship Accounting
  • Scholarship Biology
  • Scholarship Calculus
  • Scholarship Chemistry
  • Scholarship Economics
  • Scholarship Earth and Space Science
  • Scholarship Geography
  • Scholarship Physics
  • Scholarship Statistics

When you can't request Extra Writing Time

The Extra Writing Time option does not apply if the student is using a computer as a result of the Computer Notification process.

Contact the SAC team

If you have a question or feedback, contact the SAC team at sac@nzqa.govt.nz

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