The process used to manage authenticity of student work in external assessments depends on how the standard is assessed.
Timetabled external exam sessions
In timetabled external exam sessions, NZQA supervisors manage identified authenticity issues.
Assessments that are sent to NZQA for verification
In external assessments where teachers mark the students' work then send a sample to NZQA for verification (for example, L1 Visual Art and MCAT), the school must use its own policies on authenticity and breaches to investigate any possible issues and the outcome where a breach is found.
Non-examination external assessments
The following non-examination external assessments submissions are all sent to NZQA for marking:
- Scholarship Dance, Drama, Music, DVC, Technology, Visual Arts and NCEA DVC and Technology.
- NCEA Level 3 Education for Sustainability, and Level 3 Visual Arts.
Where the school identifies a possible authenticity breach, NZQA investigates and decides the outcome.
For these non-examination externals, candidates may submit work for assessment even if the teacher does not verify that it is authentic.
If authenticity is not verified
Where the teacher and the Principal's Nominee do not verify the authenticity of a candidate’s work they must:
- inform the candidate that the school is going to report a possible breach of authenticity to NZQA
- complete our possible authenticity breach form and send it to us by email or post.
Possible authenticity breach form [DOC, 76 KB]
Level 15, NZQA
PO Box 160
Wellington 6140.
More information
Authenticity requirements for non-examination external assessment
On this page
Effective authenticity processes
The most effective authenticity processes are those where teachers:
- actively teach students about the expectations of authentic work for the specific standard, including referencing etc
- provide students with written information about authenticity expectations and timelines for production of the work
- set checkpoints to view work in production
- document where students meet checkpoints
- write to students and parents where checkpoints are not met advising that this means the school may not be able to verify the authenticity of the work
- ensure students understand the implications of signing the authenticity declaration
- complete the process well before the submission date.
When NZQA receives a possible authenticity breach report from a school, we carry out an investigation.
This includes providing the candidate with a copy of the school's report.