Breaches of external assessment rules

Information about reporting a breach and the process when a breach is reported

NZQA's role

NZQA is responsible for upholding the integrity of external assessments.

We take any possible breaches of external assessment seriously and may investigate any report of a possible breach.

Visual Arts

External assessment in Visual Arts Levels 1 and 2 is administered by schools. Investigation of possible breaches of the rules in these assessments is the school's responsibility, using their own policy and process.

What is a breach?

Candidates receive a candidate information sheet outlining rules for candidates and exam instructions before external assessment begins.

Exam supervisors also remind candidates of exam instructions at the start of each examination. 

Examples of behaviours that require a breach investigation include:

  • bringing any blank or refill paper into an examination room
  • using notes
  • communicating with or disturbing other candidates in any way
  • accessing a mobile phone
  • having or using an unauthorised electronic device during any examination.

More information

External examination information for students 

What happens when a breach is reported

Your rights

Any student who has a possible breach reported about them, has a right to:

  • a fair process and decision making
  • be informed
  • participate and be heard
  • privacy.

If your parent, caregiver or any other person contacts us to request information or discuss any details, we will always ask for your permission first.

If this request causes any worries for you, please talk to someone for support.

This could be a trusted adult at home or at your school, or in your community.

You can also phone NZQA.

We request a response

When we receive a report of a possible breach of external assessment conditions, we request a response from those involved.

Your response can be emailed to us and we may then make a decision.

Complete the breaches reply form below and email it to us. 

Breaches reply form [DOCX, 64 KB]

We may ask to meet with you

Sometimes we request to meet with those involved if further clarification is needed. We use an independent contractor to chair these meetings.

Read our meeting pamphlet to know what to expect if we request to meet with you:

Meeting pamphlet [PDF, 184 KB]

Our decisions

Our decisions include:

  • taking no further action
  • issuing a written warning
  • imposing a penalty, such as having external assessment results withheld for the affected standards.

How to report a breach


If you are a candidate who has witnessed a possible breach, please contact your exam supervisor, Exam Centre Manager, or Principal's Nominee.

If the external assessment has already finished, you can still contact your Principal's Nominee.


To report a possible breach schools need to complete the possible breach form and email it to us:

Possible breach form [DOCX, 68 KB]

Before completing and submitting the form, please refer to the guidance below and check the instructions (and the relevant subject web page).

Find out more about possible breaches in external assessment [DOCX, 27 KB]

Subjects that schools can report

Schools can report possible breaches of authenticity in:

  • Technology
  • Level 1, 2 and 3 Design and Visual Communication, and New Zealand Scholarship Design and Visual Communication
  • Level 3 Education for Sustainability
  • Level 3 Visual Arts
  • New Zealand Scholarship Dance
  • New Zealand Scholarship Drama
  • New Zealand Scholarship Music
  • New Zealand Scholarship Physical Education
  • Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy Common Assessment Activities
  • Level 1 submitted subjects.

If you think the work is not authentic or the student’s own, please still submit the work and report the possible breach to NZQA.

If the student chooses not to provide their work for marking, please still report the possible breach.

Exam Centre Managers and supervisors

Exam Centre Managers and supervisors report an alleged breach to NZQA by completing and emailing the possible breach form to us at:

Possible breach form [DOCX, 58 KB]

A hand-signed copy can also be posted to:

PO Box 160
Wellington 6140


Markers can report a possible breach using the Exceptions process or a report form.

School relationship manager contacts

Alice Wards
School Relationship Manager
Phone: 04 463 3294

Jackie Power
School Relationship Manager
04 463 4341

Karen Eder
School Relationship Manager
Phone: 04 463 4358

Matehaere Clarke
School Relationship Manager
Phone: 04 463 3093

Nichola Coe
School Relationship Manager
04 460 7356

Got a question about breaches?