NCEA booklet packs
All assessed booklets will be scanned and available online via your student login from the fourth week of January until 30 June.
On this page
NCEA digital exams
Assessed digital exam responses will be available online via your student login from the 4th week of January until 30 June.
NZ Scholarship Media Studies (digital exam)
Assessed digital exam responses will be available online via your student login from mid-February.
NZ Scholarship booklets and performance summary cards
All assessed booklets will be scanned and available online via your student login from mid February until 30 June.
A few exceptions may be returned by mail, for example braille papers.
NCEA Level 3 EFS, NCEA and NZ Scholarship Technology
Digital submissions aren't returned.
Copies of reports should be saved and secured at school before submission so that if a report gets lost, a copy can be accessed.
NCEA Design and Visual Communication portfolios
Returned to schools at the end of January, by courier.
Digital submissions aren't returned.
NCEA Level 3 and NZ Scholarship Visual Arts folders
Returned to individual students from late November onward, by courier. Most are returned before Christmas. Digital submissions (Moving Image only) aren't returned.
Results for L3 Visual Arts will be available online via your student login.
Schools should photograph portfolios and copy workbook pages before submission and retain these.
NZ Scholarship Dance, Drama, HPED and NZ Scholarship Music
Digital submissions are not returned.
Portfolios are retained at NZQA and accessed if a reconsideration is applied for.
NZ Scholarship Languages - recordings
Recordings are not returned to students.
Level 3 and Scholarship Visual Arts portfolios/workbooks
If you want material to be returned to an overseas address, please complete our application form.
Send the completed application form by 1 March to:
Operations and Logistics Assessment Division
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
PO Box 160
New Zealand 6140
Request for exam material to be returned to an overseas address [DOCX, 125 KB]
Missing results or materials not returned
NZQA has a process for managing missing results. If we have evidence that the student attended the exam and handed in the booklet or submitted work digitally, the school will be asked to provide a derived grade, after speaking with the student.
If exam materials are not returned within the timeframes detailed on this page please call us on 0800 697 296.