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Meets Performance Criteria 1.1
This sample of learner evidence contributes to part of a portfolio of naturally occurring evidence generated over an acceptable period of time to meet the requirements of Guidance Information (GIs) 2 & 3. The evidence reflects skills described by step 5 of the Make sense of number to solve problems strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Numeracy (GI4).
The problems posed are in a real context (GI4) and can be solved using numeracy skills (GI7). Solving the problems by independently selecting effective numeracy strategies contributes evidence towards Outcome 1.
There is acceptable evidence for addition (1) (5) (8) (9), subtraction (2), multiplication (6) (7) and division (10). There is also evidence for working with percentages (3), fractions (4), decimals (1) (2) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) and integers (3) (5) in this activity.
The problems learners solve need to be sufficiently different to demonstrate transfer of competency against the standard. Where problems involve calculations that are very similar (6) (7), only one of these calculations would provide evidence toward the standard.
Meets Requirements for Guidance Information 2, 3, 4 and 7
This sample of learner evidence contributes to part of a portfolio of naturally occurring evidence generated over an acceptable period of time to meet the requirements of Guidance Information (GIs) 2 & 3. The evidence reflects skills described by step 5 of the Make sense of number to solve problems strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Numeracy (GI4).
The problems posed are in a real context (GI4) and can be solved using numeracy skills (GI7). Solving the problems by independently selecting effective numeracy strategies contributes evidence towards Outcome 1.
There is acceptable evidence for addition (2), subtraction (3) (6) (8) (10), multiplication (1) (5) (7) and division (9). There is also evidence for fractions (4) and percentage (5). There is evidence for decimals from all of the problems in this activity.
Note that neither division involving single digit numbers (4), nor division by 10, 100, or 1000 (5), reflects the required level of step 5.
This sample provides evidence towards range items addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, fractions, percentage and decimals.
Meets Requirements for Guidance Information 2, 3, 4 and 7
This sample of learner evidence contributes to part of a portfolio of naturally occurring evidence generated over an acceptable period of time to meet the requirements of Guidance Information (GIs) 2 & 3. The evidence reflects skills described by step 5 of the Make sense of number to solve problems strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Numeracy (GI4 & GI7).
The problems posed are in a real context (GI4) and can be solved using numeracy skills (GI7). Solving the problems by independently selecting effective numeracy strategies contributes evidence towards Outcome 1.
There is acceptable evidence for fractions (1), division (2), percentage (4), multiplication (3) (4) and addition (5). There is also evidence for decimals (2) (3) (4) (5).
Note that division by 10, 100 and 1000 does not reflect the required level of step 5. Therefore, division by 100 in the percentage problem (4) is not acceptable evidence for division.
Meets Requirements for Guidance Information 2, 3, 4 and 7
This sample of learner evidence contributes to part of a portfolio of naturally occurring evidence generated over an acceptable period of time to meet the requirements of Guidance Information (GIs) 2 and 3. The problems posed are in a real context (GI4) and can be solved using numeracy skills (GI7).
Some of the evidence does not reflect skills described by step 5 of the Make sense of number to solve problems strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Numeracy (GI4).
Solving problems with calculations involving single digit numbers does not reflect the required level of step 5. Therefore, there is no acceptable evidence for multiplication from the doubling of the recipe ingredients (1).
However, there is acceptable evidence for fractions (2), addition and integers (3), and fractions and multiplication (4).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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