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Chicken feed - trend, range
This sample of learner work has been taken from a portfolio of evidence generated over an acceptable period of time (Guidance Information [GI] 3). The evidence presented is naturally occurring from the assessment for Standard 90918 in a Level 1 Agriculture Course (GI2). It reflects the level of demand described by step 5 of the Reason Statistically strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Numeracy (GI3).
The learner has been provided with a real and applied purpose [1] (GI 5). The interpretation of two appropriate data features (Performance Criteria [PC] 1.3) to draw a reasonable conclusion [2] (PC1.1 and PC1.2) and meet the purpose contributes to Outcome 1.
There is acceptable evidence for range and trend in this learner work. The range for each of the data sets has been used to determine the weight gains for each trial group. The learner has correctly observed that the largest range represents the best weight gain, and has used this to justify the conclusion [3]. The description of a trend - ‘The Trial 2 group gained weight steadily from day 2’ [4] - is directly relevant to the purpose, and the conclusion reached provides acceptable evidence for trend.
Fitness programme - median, shift
This sample of learner work is from a portfolio of evidence generated over an acceptable period of time (Guidance Information [GI] 3). The evidence presented is naturally occurring from the teaching and learning programme of a level 1 Physical Education course (GI2), and reflects the level of demand described by step 5 of the Reason Statistically strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Numeracy (GI3).
The learner has been provided with a real and applied purpose [1] (GI5) and sufficient statistical information to interpret. The selection and interpretation (GI5) of two appropriate data features (Performance Criteria [PC] 1.3), to draw a reasonable conclusion [2] (PC1.1 and PC1.2) and meet the purpose, contributes to Outcome 1.
There is acceptable evidence for median and shift from this learner work. The lack of change in the median times [3] is correctly used to justify the conclusion that the fitness program had little impact on the 50 m sprint times in Term 4. There is acceptable evidence for shift [4] in the observation that the box (the middle 50%) has not moved much, also supporting the conclusion that there was no real improvement in running speed.
Milk production - trend
This sample of learner evidence has been taken from a portfolio of naturally occurring evidence generated over an acceptable period of time, meeting the requirements of Guidance Information (GI) 2 and 3. The evidence presented has been generated in the context of an agricultural training course, and reflects the level of demand as described by step 5 of the Reason Statistically strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Numeracy (GI3).
The purpose of the activity [1] is real and applied (GI5), and relevant to the learner’s situation. The interpretation of the statistical information (Performance Criteria [PC] 1.3) to reach a conclusion (PC1.1 and PC1.2) and provide advice to the farmer contributes to Outcome 1.
There is acceptable evidence for trend from this learner work. The learner has accurately identified a trend [2] in the data set, and described what it means in relation to the purpose of the activity [3]. An appropriate and reasonable conclusion [4] has been reached (PC1.1), based on the interpretation of the statistical evidence (PC1.3) and relevant to the purpose (PC1.2).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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