Literacy and Numeracy assessment information

Information about preparing for and delivering Literacy and Numeracy assessments

Literacy and Numeracy assessments are digital-first. Students complete the assessments on a computer using the Assessment Master platform.

This page contains information about preparing for the assessments, and links to helpful documents and online content.

Prepare students for Literacy and Numeracy assessments

Teachers, use the NZQA resources below to help your students prepare for digital assessments.

Students should familiarise themselves with the format and delivery of the assessment using past digital assessments.

Digital assessment preparation for students

Check your device is compatible with the assessment (external link)

Past digital assessments (external link)

Prepare to deliver Literacy and Numeracy assessments

These NZQA resources help teachers prepare for digital assessments:

Assessment continuity plan template [PDF, 124 KB]

Get your school ready for digital assessment

Check your school's technology

Consent to assess for tertiary providers

Literacy and Numeracy pre-assessment instructions [PDF, 56 KB] (to read to students)

Make an assessment plan including:

  • which students will be assessed
  • what devices are available
  • who will supervise the assessments
  • which rooms will be used
  • what days you will assess each standard.

Delivering Literacy and Numeracy assessments

Schools manage the delivery of Literacy and Numeracy CAAs. They can choose when to deliver a CAA, so long as it’s in the 2-week assessment period we set.

Students have a minimum of 60 minutes to complete each assessment. But they can take as long as they need provided the assessment is delivered in a single session.

Best practices

It's best practice for schools to assess students for a single co-requisite (Reading, Writing or Numeracy) on the same day. But schools can stagger these throughout the day to protect each assessment's integrity.

If schools can't assess all the students who are ready to be assessed in one single session, they can assess in multiple sessions during the 2-week assessment period.

Schools, kura and other NCEA providers decide: 

  • which school staff supervise CAAs
  • when CAAs are held during the 2-week assessment period
  • if students who are ready to be assessed complete the Reading, Writing and Numeracy assessments at the same time, different times on the same day, or across multiple days
  • how the room is set up for assessments
  • if learners require Special Assessment Conditions.

Key assessment dates

Find key dates for secondary school assessments, including Literacy and Numeracy assessment periods.

Go to calendar

Entering students into Literacy and Numeracy assessments

Schools should enter students for the assessments when they have full mastery over curriculum Level 4 and are ready to work at Level 5.

The Ministry of Education provides guidance to help you determine when students are ready for the assessments:

Determining ākonga readiness (external link) - MoE

Students don’t have to be entered into every assessment during the assessment period. They may only be ready for Literacy Reading or Numeracy, for example.

Remember, students can be assessed from years 9 to 13. In some tertiary institutions, you may decide a student is not ready to be assessed until the following year.

Entries for the first assessment should be submitted by 1 April 2024. Entries for the second assessment should be submitted by 1 August 2024.

How to enter students for Literacy and Numeracy assessments

Schools submit their entries for Literacy and Numeracy assessments the same way they submit entries for other standards:

  • by sending us a datafile if the school uses a School Management System, or
  • through the web entry process.

Making a data submission to NZQA

If you’re unsure how your school handles entries, talk to the school’s Principal’s Nominee.

Schools need sufficient time to complete preparation tasks in Assessment Master, such as checking entries, assigning students to rooms, and allocating supervisors. Schools also need to ensure students know their National Student Number (NSN). 

Late submission of entries make these tasks even more challenging.

Entries for tertiary students

You can enter tertiary students in Literacy and Numeracy assessments.

Download the tertiary entry template [XLSX, 41 KB]

Email the completed template to:

Late entries

Timely entries are important because students need time to create an account and practise using the MyNZQA learner portal.

Students must have at least one current entry before they can create an account.

We understand late entries may be required for some students as teachers determine their readiness, or because of logistical reasons. All entries for the co-requisite assessments must be submitted to NZQA no later than 2 weeks before the 2-week assessment period.

Only students whose entries are included in your datafile can have entries in Assessment Master.

Assessment Master training and support

Guidance is available in the MyNZQA schools portal (you’ll find help under Assessment Master Guidance). The support materials include:

  • the Administrator guide and the Supervisor guide, which cover step-by-step instructions for each role and links to support videos
  • job aids in English and te reo Māori.

Log in to the MyNZQA schools portal (external link)

A Pūtake eLearning course is also available in English and te reo Māori.

Go to Pūtake (external link)