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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate comprehensive understanding of future proofing influences that affect business viability.
This involves evaluating the short and long-term impact of future proofing influences, predicting impacts both within and beyond the identified business and the consequences of these impacts.
The student has explained short-term impacts of future proofing influences such as securing the supply chain and growing a variety of grasses to ensure a safe, high quality range of Gouda products. They also have a contract with Fonterra, who take their excess milk so it is not wasted, and provide the business with another income source (1).
The student has explained long-term impacts of future proofing influences, such as low stock numbers and planting more trees to help the environment, and sustainably recycling the waste water and whey back onto the land. Additionally, capital machinery reducing the need for human labour and succession of ownership have been explained (2).
The student has predicted impacts within Meyer Cheese like investing in new technology, short-term economic influences, environmental and ethical awareness, a biological influence, and scientific research and legal factors (3).
The positive and negative consequences of these impacts within the business have been explained by the student (4).
The student has predicted impacts beyond Meyer Cheese involving long-term economic influences and cultural and social influences (5).
Some positive consequences of these impacts beyond the business have been mentioned (6).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could provide more comprehensive understanding of the positive consequences of the impacts beyond the business, and also consider the possible negative impacts of these consequences.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of future proofing influences that affect business viability.
This involves giving a thorough explanation of the short and long-term impact of future proofing influences that could affect the viability of an identified business.
The student has explained the short-term impacts of an economic influence and biological influence (1).
The student has explained the long-term impacts of an economic influence and environmental and ethical influences (2).
The student has explained how the short and long-term impacts could affect the viability of Meyer Cheese (3).
The student has identified an impact beyond Meyer Cheese involving a long-term economic influence and a consequence (4).
The student has identified an impact within Meyer Cheese involving a technological influence and a consequence (5).
To reach Excellence, the student could provide further explanation of the predicted economic and technological impacts on Meyer Cheese, and explain the positive and negative consequences of these impacts.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of future proofing influences that affect business viability.
This involves giving a thorough explanation of the short and long-term impact of future proofing influences that could affect the viability of an identified business.
The student has explained the short-term impacts of economic influences, ethical milk supply, and securing the supply chain (1).
The student has explained the long-term impacts of economic and technological influences, and health and safety, legal influences (2).
The student has explained how the short and long-term impacts could affect the economic viability of Meyer Cheese (3).
For a more secure Merit, the student could provide further explanation of other aspects of the short and long-term impacts that could affect the viability of Meyer Cheese, besides profitability.
For example, reputation, sustainability of current business practices, sustainability of existing customer base, meeting future needs of consumers, markets, etc.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of future proofing influences that affect business viability.
This involves explaining future proofing influences and how these influences could affect the viability of an identified business.
The student has explained a range of future proofing influences for Zealong Tea Estate (1).
The impact of these influences on Zealong’s viability have been explained (2). While the student’s main focus has been on profitability, other impacts such as reputation and maintaining the brand have been mentioned.
To reach Merit, the student could distinguish between short and long-term impacts of the influences on viability.
For example, the student could explain that establishing a second tea plantation would be a long-term commitment and it would take many years to be financially viable (3).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of future proofing influences that affect business viability.
This involves explaining future proofing influences and how these influences could affect the viability of an identified business.
The student has explained future proofing influences for ABC Farms Trust (1).
Some of the influences have been linked to the viability of the Trust (2).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could further explain how the influences affect the Trust’s ability to continue current and future operations. For example, the student could explain the likely impact of staff members continuing to leave their employment because they feel geographically and socially isolated. How does the loss of experience and the need to constantly recruit new employees impact on the business? Similarly, the student could explain the impact of the cost of installing 70 km of fencing on the Trust’s ability to meet expenses and liabilities (3).
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of future proofing influences that affect business viability.
This involves explaining future proofing influences and how these influences could affect the viability of an identified business.
The student has identified biosecurity and the movement against caged chicken farming as future proofing influences (1).
The student has partially explained how the current caged farming practice can impact on sales, implying that converting to free-range farming could improve revenue and profit (2).
To reach Achieved, the student should further explain how changing their practice of farming chickens could contribute to the ongoing viability of Southern Chickens. For example, the student could explain how strict biosecurity practices contribute to current and future viability (3).
In addition, the student could refer to how improved reputation could contribute to profitability (3).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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