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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to construct a perceptive argument based on interpretation of research in art history.
This involves synthesising researched information to develop an insightful and/or evaluative argument.
This excerpt is part of an investigation into ownership of antiquities and artworks.
This student discusses several points of view about the rightful ownership of artworks and antiquities (1) before arriving at a conclusion that synthesises researched information to justify their argument (2). The student’s interpretation of researched information is synthesised into an evaluative argument (3). References to legal, moral and ethical issues indicate some insight (4).
For a more secure Excellence, the student needs to synthesise all researched information into a coherent evaluative argument, and include more detail in their discussion of points of view, such as morality and ethics, to demonstrate insight.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to construct a reasoned argument based on interpretation of research in art history.
This involves selecting and interpreting researched information to develop a justified argument.
This excerpt is the last 2 pages in an investigation into the authorship of the frescoes in the Upper Church of San Francesco in Assisi.
The student has selected and interpreted researched information (1) and used information to justify their interpretations (2). The student discusses points of view (3), before arriving at conclusions that are justified by the preceding argument (4).
The student begins to evaluate some researched information (5).
To reach Excellence, the student could synthesise their researched information into an insightful argument.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to construct a reasoned argument based on interpretation of research in art history.
This involves selecting and interpreting researched information to develop a justified argument.
This excerpt is the first and third pages of an investigation into the impact of trade on art in Early Renaissance Italy.
The introduction clearly establishes the student’s argument (1). The subsequent paragraphs used selected researched information to justify the student’s views (2). The student’s interpretation of researched information is used to justify and develop their argument (3).
The student focuses on the role of trade in the development of art, however there is some discussion of other points of view about art patronage in this period (4).
For a more secure Merit, the student needs to strengthen their argument by exploring other points of view about the development of art in the Early Renaissance.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to construct an argument based on interpretation of research in art history.
This involves selecting and interpreting researched information to develop an argument.
This excerpt was part of an investigation into the ownership of antiquities and artworks.
The student sets up an argument with several points of view (1). The expansion of these points, in the discussion of several art works (2), develops the argument and leads to a satisfactory conclusion (3).
Information about the discovery of the bust of Nefertiti has been selected and interpreted (4), however, some information does not develop the argument (5). There is limited discussion of the points of view (6).
To reach Merit, the student could express themselves clearly and select information that develops and justifies their argument.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to construct an argument based on interpretation of research in art history.
This involves selecting and interpreting researched information to develop an argument.
This student has investigated the challenges made by modernist styles to the traditions of representational art.
The student begins by outlining the key points of their planned argument (1). The development of these points in subsequent paragraphs, leads to a clearly expressed conclusion (2).
The response contains evidence of the selection and interpretation of researched information (3).
The student has begun to discuss some different points about art movements (4).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could develop a stronger argument that clearly identifies and discusses points of view about the selected topic.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to construct an argument based on interpretation of research in art history
This involves selecting and interpreting researched information to develop an argument.
This student has investigated the impact of technology and science on modern art.
The student begins by outlining the key points of their planned argument (1). The development of these points in subsequent paragraphs leads to a brief conclusion (2).
There is evidence of the selection and interpretation of researched information (3).
Several viewpoints are mentioned, however there is no discussion of these points of view (4).
To reach Achieved, the student could develop a stronger argument by discussing points of view about the selected topic.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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