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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to comprehensively investigate the application of motivation theory in a business.
This typically involves:
- collecting in-depth evidence about the motivation practice(s) in a business from a range of sources
- fully explaining the results of the investigation, supported by relevant examples
- justifying the link between the motivation theory and the motivation practice
- integrating a Māori business concept(s), where relevant to the motivation theory, to fully support explanations.
The student has comprehensively investigated the application of motivation theory at a branch of Barfoot & Thompson. Evidence has been collected from a range of sources (1).
The student has linked motivation practices to motivation theory by explaining how the examples given relate to specific theorists (2).
The office’s motivational practices have been justified in terms of how they impact on employees and assist the business to achieve its goals (3).
The student has discussed the link between kaitiakitanga and its contribution to one worker’s motivation (4).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could have justified links further by explaining the relationship and the flow-on effects to business success.
For example, the student could make a statement such as ‘By maintaining a positive work environment top selling agents are more likely to stay at Barfoot &Thompson and continue to assist the branch to remain in the top 5 in the country’.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to investigate, in-depth, the application of motivation theory in a business.
This typically involves:
- collecting in-depth evidence about the motivation practice(s) in a business
- explaining the results of the investigation supported by relevant examples
- fully explaining the relationship between the motivation theory and the motivation practice
- including a Māori business concept(s), where relevant to the motivation theory, to support explanations.
The student has collected in-depth evidence about the motivation practices within the a branch of Farmers and has provided examples of these (1).
The student has explained motivation practices used in the branch, and why these practices occur (2).
The student has fully explained the relationship between motivation theories and the motivation practices at Farmers (3).
To reach Excellence, the student could justify links by fully explaining why Farmers chooses to use each particular practice to motivate its staff.
For example, the student could make a statement such as ‘Increasing pay levels will motivate staff to remain at Farmers for a long period. This will benefit Farmers as a content high-achieving staff member will increase sales and profits, whereas if they were dissatisfied with their pay they may move to a competitor retailer’.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to investigate, in-depth, the application of motivation theory in a business.
This typically involves:
- collecting in-depth evidence about the motivation practice(s) in a business
- explaining the results of the investigation supported by relevant examples
- fully explaining the relationship between the motivation theory and the motivation practice
- including a Māori business concept(s), where relevant to the motivation theory, to support explanations.
The student has collected in-depth evidence about the motivation practices in WellWomen and explained practices, citing how and why they occur (1).
The relationship between motivation theories and WellWomen’s motivational practices have been explained (2).
For a more secure Merit, the student could ensure their explanations of relevant theories are placed in the context of WellWomen.
For example, the student could make a statement such as ‘Herzberg said that job enrichment is a motivator for employees to work willingly and to give of their best. The job rotation system at WellWomen challenges the staff by expanding their skill sets, making them more useful to the business because all nurses will have experience in all aspects of women’s health’.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to investigate the application of motivation theory in a business.
This typically involves:
- collecting evidence relevant to the motivation practice(s) in a business
- stating results of the investigation supported by relevant examples explaining the relationship between the motivation theory and the motivation practice
- stating a Māori business concept(s) where relevant to the motivation theory.
The student has investigated the application of motivation theory at Blush. (1).
The student has described/explained two relevant motivation practices at Blush based on their investigation (2).
The student has stated how birthday and Christmas bonuses relate to relevant motivation theories they have studied (3).
To reach Merit, the student could relate all of the motivation practices they have identified to relevant theory.
For example, the student could make a statement such as ‘The theory most relevant to flexible work hours is McGregor’s concept of a theory Y manager. This manager would allow flexibility as employees will have a greater level of satisfaction and therefore a greater commitment to the business’.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to investigate the application of motivation theory in a business.
This typically involves:
- collecting evidence relevant to the motivation practice(s) in a business
- stating results of the investigation supported by relevant examples explaining the relationship between the motivation theory and the motivation practice
- stating a Māori business concept(s) where relevant to the motivation theory.
The student has stated results of their investigation by describing motivation practices they found at Good Food Good Time (1).
The student has explained the relationship between motivation practices at the restaurant and Herzberg’s motivation theory (2).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could further explain how or why the restaurant’s practices link to Herzberg. For example, the student could make a statement such as ‘When staff members’ efforts are recognised at staff meetings, this makes them feel satisfied and motivated to perform even better. Those who do not get the recognition may also feel motivated to perform better so that they will be praised at the staff meetings’.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to investigate the application of motivation theory in a business.
This typically involves:
- collecting evidence relevant to the motivation practice(s) in a business
- stating results of the investigation supported by relevant examples explaining the relationship between the motivation theory and the motivation practice
- stating a Māori business concept(s) where relevant to the motivation theory.
The student has described motivation practices they found within Nestlé (1).
The student has briefly discussed some motivation theories (2).
To reach Achieved, the student could state and then offer proof of the relationship between the motivation practice and motivation theories. The research and practices sections would be integrated.
For example, the student could make a statement such as ‘Nestlé’s bonus scheme relates to Vroom’s expectancy theory, which is based on the idea that a worker will be motivated to make a greater effort if they believe this would result in an award or bonus’.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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