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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to comprehensively carry out, with consultation, an innovative and sustainable business activity.
This typically involves thorough planning and consultation for a business activity, and thorough evaluation of the business activity through:
- integrating business knowledge relevant to the business activity to fully support explanations
- integrating a Maori business concept(s) where relevant to the business activity to fully support explanations.
This student has been part of a group that has comprehensively planned for and carried out a business activity. Innovation (1) and sustainability (2) goals and business knowledge are integrated (3) throughout the business plan. The group engaged with and was responsive to consultation with relevant specialist advisers.
The group achieved Excellence for its business plan.
The student has thoroughly evaluated the activity against the quadruple bottom line, emphasising the innovative and sustainable nature of the business. Flaws in planning or execution that contributed to goals not being achieved have been identified (4).
For a more secure Excellence, the group could have undertaken more thorough research to ensure their costings were accurate (5), and created a SMART cultural goal (6).
The student’s evaluation should recognise that ‘raising consumer awareness about New Zealand’s cultural heritage’ (7) is a goal that cannot be accurately measured.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to carry out, in depth and with consultation, an innovative and sustainable business activity.
This typically involves sound planning and consultation for a business activity, and sound evaluation of the business activity through:
- including business knowledge relevant to the business activity to support explanations
- including a Maori business concept(s) where relevant to the business activity to support explanations.
The student is part of a business group that has planned and carried out a business activity. The company’s innovation and sustainability goals (1) have been explained in detail and business knowledge included throughout the plan. There has been consultation with a relevant specialist adviser.
The student has evaluated the outcomes against the quadruple bottom line, demonstrating a good understanding of the areas of weakness (2) that prevented goals from being achieved.
To reach Excellence, the group could have more comprehensively planned the activity. For example, a greater degree of research would have enabled more accurate planning for the cost of production (3). Innovation and sustainability goals would be linked to all relevant areas of the business plan.
The group’s decision on their selling price at would be consistent with market research participants’ acceptance of a $15-$20 price, as the $10 price contributed to the inability to meet the economic goal (4).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to carry out, in depth and with consultation, an innovative and sustainable business activity.
This typically involves sound planning and consultation for a business activity, and sound evaluation of the business activity through:
- including business knowledge relevant to the business activity to support explanations
- including a Maori business concept(s) where relevant to the business activity to support explanations.
The student was part of a business group that produced a sound business plan. Their product was innovative in that it was unique to the location (1). The students consulted with a specialist adviser who was able to vouch for the organic nature of the product. In response to a decrease in demand the group diversified its product (2).
For a more secure Merit, the group’s planning could have explored process as well as product innovation. By considering a broader range of products and packaging options, the group may have been more likely to achieve their economic (3) and environmental (4) goals.
The student’s evaluation could more clearly specify actual performance against goals. For example, it is not apparent what profit has been made to date or how many bags of manure have been sold (5).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to carry out, with consultation, an innovative and sustainable business activity.
This typically involves planning for a business activity, consulting for a business activity, carrying out the business activity and evaluating the business activity through:
- stating business knowledge relevant to the business activity
- stating a Maori business concept(s) where relevant to the business activity.
This student was part of a group that produced lemon curd from donated lemons, distributing along with an information sheet. The plan contains some sustainability goals to satisfy the quadruple bottom line (1). The group has consulted with an experienced curd maker. The activity was carried out as articulated in the operations section of the plan.
To reach Merit, the group could include more detail in its business plan, and consider other aspects of the quadruple bottom line. For example, to enhance environmental sustainability it could explore the re-use of glass jars. Ethical sustainability could be enhanced by the application of the hygiene requirements of food production. Intentions would be reframed as SMART goals (2).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to carry out, with consultation, an innovative and sustainable business activity.
This typically involves planning for a business activity, consulting for a business activity, carrying out the business activity and evaluating the business activity through:
- stating business knowledge relevant to the business activity explanations
- stating a Maori business concept(s) where relevant to the business activity.
This student was a member of a group that planned and executed a business activity selling body scrub manufactured from recycled coffee grinds. This aspect differentiated the business from its competitors (1). The business plan included sustainability outcomes and contained relevant business knowledge. Some of the group’s sustainability goals are SMART in nature (2).
The group engaged in consultation with a Dragons’ Den panel. However it is unclear if members acted on suggestions or if any of the dragons were experts in areas relevant to the product.
The grade the group received for its planning and execution is Achieved.
For a more secure Achieved, the group could ensure all intentions are framed as SMART goals and ensure that the activity is executed as planned. Market research would be conducted with the target demographic and thorough investigations of costs would be undertaken to ensure that the desired packaging was realistic and affordable.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to carry out, with consultation, an innovative and sustainable business activity.
This typically involves planning for a business activity, consulting for a business activity, carrying out the business activity and evaluating the business activity through:
- stating business knowledge relevant to the business activity
- stating a Maori business concept(s) where relevant to the business activity.
This student has been part of a group that has comprehensively planned for and carried out a business activity. Innovation (1) and sustainability (2) goals and business knowledge are integrated (3) throughout the business plan. The group engaged in consultation with relevant specialist advisers.
The group received Excellence for its business plan.
To reach Achieved, the student must provide insight into why the outcomes occurred, and evaluate the performance of the business activity in relation to the desired economic, social, environmental and cultural/ethical goals.
The student’s individual grade is Not Achieved.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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TKI Business Studies assessment resources (external link)