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Trial Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves producing evidence that shows linking together of the chemical reactions and principles involved in the chemical processes, and the effect that this has on people or the environment.
The student needs to produce evidence that elaborates on the links between the chemical processes and the impact on people or the environment. This also requires the integration of chemistry vocabulary, symbol, conventions, and equations to help support the chemical reactions and their effects.
This student has elaborated on the chemical processes involved in the acidification of oceans by linking the increase of carbon dioxide to the change in pH (1) of the ocean, and the effect that this has on the ocean environment (2). The student has also linked the principles of buffer solutions to the oceans ability to stabilise acidity in the past (3) and how the current conditions are affecting the ability of the ocean’s buffering system (4).
The student has provided evidence of consistently integrating chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations to help support the reactions and principles of ocean acidification.
Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate comprehensive understanding of chemical processes in the world around us
This involves an evaluation of the impact of, and issues that have arisen from, the chemical processes. This involves elaborating on, comparing and contrasting, or analysing the links between the chemical processes and their consequences. This requires the consistent integration of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used chemical equations and vocabulary to analyse the chemical process of gold extraction using cyanide (1), to discuss how the use of cyanide in the chemical process affects the environment (2), to compare some chemical processes that are used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (3), and to elaborate on one process used in New Zealand (4).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could compare and contrast in detail the different processes used to treat the by-products of the extraction process.
Trial High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves making and explaining links between chemical processes, and the consequences of the chemical processes for the environment or people. This requires explanations that integrate chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used chemical equations and vocabulary to explain how cyanide is used in the chemical process of gold extraction (1), to explain how the use of cyanide in this chemical process affects the environment (2), and to explain the chemical processes that are used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (3).
The student has begun to link together the key chemical reactions and conditions involved in the chemical process involved in the extraction of gold. The impact of gold extraction on the environment is explained and there is some integration of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This evidence does not reach Excellence because the impact of the chemical processes need to be linked to the reactions that are taking place, with further elaboration of the links between the chemical processes and their consequences on people or the environment.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves making and explaining links between chemical processes, and the consequences of the chemical processes for the environment or people. This requires explanations that integrate chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used chemical equations and vocabulary to explain how cyanide is used in the chemical process of gold extraction (1), explain how the use of cyanide in this chemical process affects the environment (2), and explain the chemical processes that are used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (3).
To reach Excellence, the student could elaborate of the effects of cyanide on the environment, and compare the methods used to treat the by-products (resolve an issue).
Trial Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves making and explaining links between chemical processes, and the consequences of the chemical processes for the environment or people. This requires explanations that integrate chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used chemical equations and vocabulary to explain how cyanide is used in the chemical process of gold extraction (1), explain how the use of cyanide in the chemical process affects the environment (2), and to briefly explain natural processes that are used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (3).
For a more secure Merit, the student could elaborate on the chemical processes for the treatment of the cyanide by-products of the extraction process to resolve an issue.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves making and explaining links between chemical processes, and the consequences of the chemical processes for the environment or people. This requires explanations that integrate chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used chemical equations and vocabulary to explain how cyanide is used in the chemical process of gold extraction (1), explain how the use of cyanide in the chemical process affects the environment (2), and to briefly explain natural processes that are used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (3).
For a more secure Merit, the student could elaborate on the chemical processes for the treatment of the cyanide by-products of the extraction process (to resolve an issue).
Trial High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves processing and interpreting given information to identify, describe, and give an account of chemical processes occurring in the natural world or developed in response to an issue or need. The account given must be supported by the use of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used chemical equations and vocabulary to describe how cyanide is used in the chemical process of gold extraction (1), and to give an account of natural and chemical processes that are used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (2).
To reach Merit, the student could explain the links between the chemical processes and elaborate on how the process meets the needs of society or how the processes resolve an issue.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves processing and interpreting given information to identify, describe, and give an account of chemical processes occurring in the natural world or developed in response to an issue or need. The account given must be supported by the use of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used chemical equations and vocabulary to describe how cyanide is used in the chemical process of gold extraction (1), and to give an account of natural and chemical processes that are used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (2).
To reach Merit, the student could explain the links between the chemical processes and elaborate on how the process meets the needs of society or how the processes resolve an issue.
Trial Low Achieved
For Achieved the student needs to demonstrate understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves processing and interpreting given information to identify, describe, and give an account of chemical processes occurring in the natural world or developed in response to an issue or need. The account given must be supported by the use of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used some chemistry vocabulary to describe how cyanide is used in the chemical process of gold extraction (1), and to give a brief description of a chemical process that is used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (2).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could use more chemistry vocabulary and equations. The student could also elaborate on the natural processes used to treat the cyanide by-products.
Low Achieved
For Achieved the student needs to demonstrate understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves processing and interpreting given information to identify, describe, and give an account of chemical processes occurring in the natural world or developed in response to an issue or need. The account given must be supported by the use of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has used some chemistry vocabulary to describe how cyanide is used in the chemical process of gold extraction (1), and to give a brief description of a chemical process that is used to treat cyanide by-products of the extraction process (2).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could use more chemistry vocabulary and equations. The student could also elaborate on the natural processes used to treat the cyanide by-products.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves processing and interpreting given information to identify, describe, and give an account of chemical processes occurring in the natural world or developed in response to an issue or need. The account given must be supported by the use of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has given very basic descriptions of the chemical process of gold extraction (1), and processes used to treat cyanide by-products of the chemical process (2).
To reach Achieved, the student could use correct chemistry vocabulary and equations. The student could also provide a more detailed description of the chemical processes involved in the extraction of gold.
Trial High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of chemical processes in the world around us.
This involves processing and interpreting given information to identify, describe, and give an account of chemical processes occurring in the natural world or developed in response to an issue or need. The account given must be supported by the use of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, conventions, and equations.
This student has given very basic descriptions of the chemical process of gold extraction (1), and processes used to treat cyanide by-products of the chemical process (2).
To reach Achieved, the student could use correct chemistry vocabulary and equations. The student could also provide a more detailed description of the chemical processes involved in the extraction of gold.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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