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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to give an effective spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Effective Chinese will be shown by the capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and integrated.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The student is able to express and justify her ideas and opinions. She explains clearly why she would choose linguistics over medical study in the university. She uses a range of language that is fit for purpose and audience, such as 我想当一个语言老师,因为语言学很有意思,尤其是法语和中文, 所以去法国以前 and我打算去法国一年.
Ideas flow smoothly, and the student’s delivery is confident.
For a more secure Excellence, the student needs to show improved consistency with pronunciation, e.g. 专业, 生活费用, and use of sentence patterns, e.g. 我从来想要过当一个大夫 to ensure clear comprehension of the presentation.
Also, additional evidence of a range of language to express and justify ideas and opinions will lead to more effective communication.
Video - student 1
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions
Convincing Chinese will be shown by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The presentation is delivered confidently with clear pronunciation. The information, ideas and opinions are developed. The student talks about various aspects of her future plans, e.g. tertiay study, accommodation, etc. She justifies why she needs to have a part time job when she studys in China, 在中国我一边工作一边学习,因为找工作不容易 and 我觉得打工会给我一点儿经验和我会挣一些钱.
To reach Excellence, the student could show additional evidence of capable selection and successful use of a range of language, e.g. 虽然租房子生活高and 因为我医学兴趣.
Improved linking of ideas when discussing part time jobs and future career will also lead to the controlled, integrated development needed for effective communication.
Video - student 2
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation in Chinese that that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Convincing Chinese will be shown by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student shows the ability to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions. For example, the student explains why she was going to study and work in China. There is some development of the information. For example, she describes different possibilites in her future plan.
The student selected and used a range of language that was fit for the purpose of communicating about future intentions, e.g. 我一边在中国打工, 一边学中文, 等我有很多钱 and我会还钱给我的父母.
For a more secure Merit, inconsistencies such as long pauses, repetition and mispronunciation will have less effect on communication of the message.
Video - student 3
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student describes her future plan and justifies her decision from her own and her parents’ perspectives: 大学以后, 我想要去中国开泰国饭店, 我父母同意我去那里, 因为他们觉得这样很有意思,因为我的家人从中国来 and所以我觉得中国很好.
To reach Merit, additional evidence of using complex structures at Level 2 is required.
There will also be evidence of credible, connected development, e.g. the completion of sentences and logical sequencing of ideas.
Video - student 4
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student talks about her future plan and provides some reasons for her decision: 我最喜欢美术,我想去美国的美术大学学习四年, 因为我想当设计师, 我想去日本工作, 因为我想去我的家.
For a more secure Achieved, there needs to be additional evidence of using the language at this level to support her views, e.g. 我要去美国上大学, 因为我学习美术的工作经验 and工作在日本比美国的容些易.
Also, clearer delivery with better pronunication would improve comprehension.
Video - student 5
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student has attempted to give information about her future plan. There was some evidence of use of Level 2 language, e.g. 我毕业后打算上大学,学习英语和数学.我想去奥克兰大学, 我会学习历史,哲学 and 语言文化和政治学.
To reach Achieved, inconsistencies in pronunciation and sentence patterns in the second half of the presentation will not hinder the communication of the message.
Also, evidence of justifying ideas and opinions is needed to achieve this standard.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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