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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Chinese that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Effective Chinese will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and integrated, and by the capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
All the three texts show good development of the information, ideas and opinions. For example, in the sport competition piece, the student justifies with fine details why the game is interesting.
For a more secure Excellence, the student would provide additional evidence of controlled, integrated development, e.g. consistency in the connection of ideas and selection of language. Comprehension in the homestay piece would be improved if the information and ideas were organised in a more logical way. In the restaurant review, the use of connection words would improve the effectiveness of the language.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Chinese that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Convincing Chinese will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected, and by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student shows the ability to communicate information, ideas and opinions. For example, in the restaurant review, he explains why he recommended it. The ideas are generally well connected.
To achieve Excellence, the student needs to show additional evidence of the successful selection of language. Some language selected, although understandable, does not show successful use, e.g. 在家的里面没有穿鞋, 在房间的里面不吃 and 每天请走路狗 (1), whichfollow English word order rather than the natural Chinese pattern.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective Chinese that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Convincing Chinese will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected, and by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
There is evidence of development of information and ideas across all the three pieces. For example, in the homestay brochure, the student provides a detailed description of his house.
For a more secure Merit, inconsistencies need to have less impact on the communication of the message, e.g. 你会住在新西兰幵心, 因为我们没有多的控制, 只你不能吃在卧室 and 你不能喊 (2).
Also, the student needs to show additional evidence of the use of a range of language, for example, using connection words to link ideas. For example, the ideas我大家推荐这个饭店, 因为食物很好, 友好的服务员 and 好的信誉 (3) could be connected further.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Chinese that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
This student expresses ideas and opinions in his writing. For example, in the restaurant review, he gives a detailed description of his experience in a Chinese restaurant, and explains why it was worth going there.
To reach Merit, consistency across all three pieces is expected. The diary entry piece has inconsistencies which significantly hinder communication, e.g. 因为你有一个冷 and 医生说你有热水洗澡和有一个休息 (4).
Further, additional evidence of a range of language is required to reach Merit.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Chinese that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
This student produced three different texts. Overall, communication is achieved. To sit more safely at Achieved inconsistencies will have less impact on comprehension of the message. Inconsistencies in basic words and structures are not expected at this level, e.g.今天我是 and 因为我病 (5). Communication is threatened at times e.g. 你能打电话给我学习我错过了吗(6).
For a more secure Achieved, the student needs to show additional evidence of mastery of Chinese to communicate information, and express and justify ideas and opinions.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in Chinese that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
The student produced 3 pieces of writing. The tourist brochure is understandable and explains why Dunedin is worth visiting.
To reach Achieved, there needs to be consistent evidence of language at the expected level. The communication in the other two pieces is hindered as a result of the use of inappropriate words, e.g. 我们常常增大我们的植物在家里, 我们很喜欢我们的里,我有一个历史一点短的 and 但是很有意思(7).
To reach Achieved, the student needs to show additional evidence of the language expected at this level in order to be able to communicate and justify ideas and opinions.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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